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the garden

the garden

by juangomez on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

The garden is a fictional project of digital fashion, a bone made structure that fits the body and flourishes with a garden of soft and delicate flowers. The idea stems from the dichotomy between gentle and tough and the concept of a blooming garden of bone flowers.

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The garden is a fictional project of digital fashion, a bone made structure that fits the body and flourishes with a garden of soft and delicate flowers. The idea stems from the dichotomy between gentle and tough and the concept of a blooming garden of bone flowers.

Several textures and bone structures are investigated in the briefing and brainstorming process from overall bone seams and patterns to high detail and microscopic structures. For the flowers a moodpboard is developed and several species of flowers are considered, finally the gladiolus is incorporated in the final design since the way the flowers grow, their appearance and their colours fit the aesthetic goal of the project.

In order to develop and brainstorm the shape of the dress several sketches are made trying to find the right structure and contour. At this stage the bone like structure that was to be developed was not decided yet and the aim was more towards a flower like dress. The main choice on the sketches was to develop a short tight dress.

Furtheremore a pair of high heels is designed following the same line of process as the main piece. The heels are also made out of bone while having a flourihing array of gladiolus around them.

The final presentation is made in a tight dress that fits the body perfectly and blooms with pink gladiolus flowers. The flowers not only bloom from the bone structure but also drop from it creating a bouquet of flowers.

More detailed images of the suit are made in order to understand better the detail of the crafted bone and the flowers. Also the bouquets of flowers are shown separated from the main suit in order to see the whole cluster.

Finally a pair of heels is designed and modeled in order to fit the dress. The heels follow the same type of structure as the bodysuit and are crafted with the same materials of bone and flower.

Concept by: Teresa Torres Signes

Designed and rendered by: Juan Gómez

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