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Concept art Portfolio by Chris

Concept art Portfolio by Chris

by CChris on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Selection of 4 projects finished during 2nd year(2023~2024) by Chris Choi. Includes character design, environment, and vehicle. Both 2D and 3D.

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Hello, I am a 2nd year in Concept Art course.

These are works I have done this year. Concept arts of characters, environment, and vehicle.

I hope you enjoy my works as much as I enjoyed creating them!

This is an Inuit witch character.

Inuit costumes are made of thick fur and hold conceptions of primitive lifestyles. This contrasts the image of sleek, futuristic designs we have with Sci-Fi.

The contrast between themes was a fun challenge when designing the character.

This is a cover art concept for a Noir Heist movie.

In the movie, a gangster based in a 1920s American diner is robbed of its boss's portrait. Subordinates must follow the culprit into the fridge to retrieve the portrait.

Modelling in 3D allowed me to explore lighting and perspective, which resulted in a dynamic cover art that I am proud of.

A doctor and ambulance design set in an apocalypse with references to Mad Max.

The vehicle has plants growing on its surface as camouflage to hide from wild animals and carnivorous plants. The passenger seat can be lifted and used as a crow's nest.

This is a toy creature inspired by Guillermo Del Toro's creature designs.

It has two personalities on each side of its face. They switch by rotating the body 180 degrees.

I have modelled it to ensure that, when rotated, the design shows the other personality as intended from the concept.

Thank you for reading this.

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