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Yoshinori Taketani - Effect Demo Reel

Yoshinori Taketani - Effect Demo Reel

by yoshinori on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This is my first demo reel.

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     I created a street and sidewalk in the rain at night.

     Almost all models and effects were created in Houdini.  Rain is one of the most common natural phenomena that we see, but when I started to create this shot, I realized that there are many elements that make up this phenomenon.  It was a challenge for me, but as the work progressed, I made many new discoveries and had a lot of fun creating this work.

Effects -----------------------------------------------------------

1.Rain (Houdini)

     The raindrops are motion blurred by copying the shape of the raindrops from the Pop Solver simulation. ( Left : Motion blur OFF / Right: Motion blur ON )

2.Rain (Nuke)

     The addition of random noise helps express the atmosphere of fine raindrops and rainy weather, and is an element that expresses heavier rain outside of the raindrops created in Houdini. ( Left : noise OFF / Right: noise ON )


     Ripples are one of the most important elements in a rain shot, and I observed many times from real rain how strong the raindrops enter the water, how fast they ripple, and how much they attenuate.  Then I used ripplesolver and smooth to adjust the results.  At first, I just made a simple grid mesh finer and added ripples, but this was not enough, as there were noticeable areas where the water surface remained flat even with the addition of ripples, I added Turbulent Noise to the base grid to express the fine shaking of the water surface.  Also, under the tree, there are raindrops falling from the leaves, which are larger than the rain and produce larger ripples, so I added more intensity to the ripples in this shot as well.


     When it is raining, puddles of water often create bubbles that drift on the surface of the water.  In this shot, the frequency of occurrence, size, speed, and life expectancy are randomly set to generate them.

5.Splash rain

     In the case of heavy rain, as in this shot, the rain hitting the ground reflects and bounces off the ground, so particles are added with Pop Solver.

6.Water droplets on the car.

     First, I divide the water droplets on the car into two types, as described in the textures section below. The large ones that run off the body and the small ones that stay.  The former is expressed by simulation, and the latter by adding water droplets to the body and wheels by creating textures.  The tires' roughness and other parameters are also adjusted to express the appearance of wetness.  Then, water drops simulated by Pop Solver were added in the same color as the water drops on the body.

Modeling / Texture -----------------------------------------------

1.Tree, Soil

     The tree created in the L-system is inverted and the tree is aligned with the soil created in the mountain node by attribtransfer.


     I created the basic shape by sweeping the “>” shape of the curved line with the bend node so that it gets thinner as it moves forward with the attribadjustfloat node.  Then, the locations of occurrence, size, direction, and color gradation were randomized by adding noise and other elements.  When I actually observed the grass on a rainy day, I could observe that the length of grass created in this shot did not move at all, so I fixed the movement of the grass.

3.Fallen leaves

     Leaves that have fallen from the same tree will deteriorate in different ways over time, so I randomly placed darker and lighter colors.  This shot was taken in rainy weather, but on a sunny day, the leaves would gather at the edge of the frame due to the wind, so I added the leaves gathered on the side of the road.


     The tiles are not evenly aligned over the years, but rather uneven due to the effects of tree roots and the soil.  This effect can be seen especially near the border between the soil and the tiles, so some of the unevenness in this shot also adds a puddle.

5. car

     For the model from the following reference source, I used Substance Painter to represent water droplets and mud that stays on the body by dividing it by color and material.

Reference from:

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