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Crab Hunters

Crab Hunters

by JesusC018 on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

In a sea filled with gigantic crustaceans, these three pirates band together to hunt down these beast for the highest bidder!

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Captain Val, leader of the crab hunters, she is a formidable hunter. Years of experience has led her to lose a few limbs but not to worry, she has her technician to help her out!

Jackson, the teams heavy gunner. He too has had a brush of death but using his mecha cannon he can help his teammates fend of their foes!

Melanie, the teams technician. She's the youngest one out of the bunch and being rescued by Val and Jackson, she has joined their journey across the seas. Ready to take anything on using her claws that she has repurposed for herself.

Thank you, for stopping by and I hope we can cross paths once again!

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