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Laura Labarta | Character Concept Art

Laura Labarta | Character Concept Art

by LauraLabarta on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello! My name is Laura Labarta, a current concept art student from U-tad and my favourite part is character design. I'm glad to share some of the characters I had developed during this year! I hope you like my work!

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This character is set in the time of the Old Roman Empire, around the year 390 A.D. 

A New Dawn

This project is set within the world of Fire Emblem. The goal was to develop three new characters that could be recruited into the army.


Emmeryn's future daughter. She aspires to be the next leader of the Shepherds. Despite the heiress of the throne of Ylisse, she does not feel worthy of it. She has a natural gift for healing magic.


Flavia's future son. Besides being her partner of arms and best friend, he considers Emilia as her rival to beat. Until the now, he hasn't been able to beat her. He doesn't hesitate to duel.


Aversa's future son. He seeks to restore Plegia's glory that was snatched from him because of, according to him, incompetent rulers. He's an expert magician to get into trouble.

Rivet, the Mad Inventor

Set in a Steampunk world, Rivet is a young inventor from the slums of the city of Chimford. His goal in life is to create inventions that improve the lives of the people in his community. He doesn't mind putting his body at risk when he has to test his inventions. Because of this, people thinks he's crazy.

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