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Alvent in Dark - Concept art

Alvent in Dark - Concept art

Cindy Regis
by Alvent on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello! My name is Cindy Régis, known as Alvent in Dark as my artist name. I am 20 years old. I am in the preparatory year at Institut Artline, waiting to start my second year: the Concept Art and Illustration program. This is my first participation in the "Rookie Awards." I hope you enjoy my work !

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My project focuses on the conceptualization of the universe 'The Elevens,' a story born from my own imagination. I have never given it a visual identity before. Taking advantage of the Rookies Awards, I invite you to explore my creations that finally show what my mystical universe looks like.



"Just as life on Earth was on the brink of vanishing due to wars and famines, eras of prosperity suddenly emerged.

This abrupt change remains currently unexplained, and legends were created to try to explain this strange phenomenon, eventually becoming entire religions.

However, a mystery persists: what really happened for wars and miseries to suddenly disappear? Are the stories that tell of powerful Gods merely false, or could they hide a grain of truth ?"

Concepts of the city of the Gods

"The City of the Gods was conceptualized to represent an idealized and impressive universe that could have been imagined by dedicated artists. To achieve this, Baroque, Classical, and Renaissance works served as my foundation to give a visual form to these unreal and white architectures.

These artistic movements are a source of inspiration for the works in all this project."

Concept temple of a God

"Temples are ancient monuments built by humans to worship the Gods, and each of their halls and facades is shaped to narrate the divine interventions in the world. Only a few rooms are dormitories dedicated to housing the faithful who maintain these structures."

As temples are old architectures filled with mysteries and stories, they were conceptualized using images of ruins, churches, and castles. The stone statues with their light and detailed stone are obviously inspired by Roman and Greek sculptures to represent stories."

Character Concepts

For the character concept design, I went through several steps:

1. Research what the character's visual should communicate
2. Find references
3. Conceptualize their portrait
4. Conceptualize their appearance
5. Conceptualize their colors
6.Conceptualize their accessories

Concept of the God of Wisdom

"He is a calm and empathetic God who embodies difficulties and suffering. He is the master of knowledge and lessons. He is depicted with a bow to represent his precision in decision-making. In the past, his interventions were considered lessons to understand values and importance. He is also responsible for death and misery, which led to his demonization. Today, he is regarded as an evil being without empathy, whose actions are unjustified."

Concept of the God of Integration

"A curious goddess with an emotional and impressionable personality. She embodies the essence of living, overcoming obstacles, good times, health, and social connections. When encountered, it is rare to recognize her as a deity because she often takes the form of a normal being, such as a woman, a singing bird, or a sly serpent in the fields. She wields a proud sword to represent her adventurous yet combative nature.

Therefore, she dresses less in togas or drapes and favors capes, shirts, jackets with sleeves, and even pants. She is often symbolized by a rose because she can be a lovely and beautiful friend but also an enemy who pricks with her thorns.

Several expressions, such as 'The enemy is against you' or 'The friend thinks of you,' are used to describe luck or its opposite to a person."

Concept of the God of Conception

"Represented by a mother or a father, this God embodies birth, protection, but also dependence. A blind deity, it makes no distinction between good and evil and ensures only to protect and love anyone who comes to it.

This is why its eyes are covered as it has none, and it is adorned in a light, bright robe but decorated with sharp jewelry. This symbolizes the gentleness it can offer but also the risk of dependence, and thus, the potential to be pricked if one gets too close. Despite the sincere love it wishes to provide, it can become restrictive."

Character Concept: THE SOULS

"The souls have great importance in representing humanity as a whole in stories concerning the Gods. They are depicted either as hideous fishermen or as flourishing individuals.

Hair is an important symbol. It represents life; as long as it is colored from blonde to black, it is interpreted as having time left to live. Bleached hair is considered a sign of approaching the end of life, which only the deities can prevent. Wearing purely white fabric is seen as a form of rebellion against mortality and a rejection of one's own life condition. The fabrics worn by the souls are often light gray, bluish, or cream-colored."

Character Concept: POPULATIONS

"If the souls represent the psyche of the living, there are obviously living beings in this universe (The Elevens). Here is a concept that represents 3 out of the 7 existing populations."

Visual Representation of a Divine Appearance

"The Gods are capable of adopting a stone-like appearance when they leave their mortal shells. Their bodies can decompose and bleed golden liquids when injured.

These images were created to illustrate game cards."

Images representing the souls of criminals or sufferers

Illustration of the God of Wisdom

"Depicting an important event in history, I wanted to represent a scene of discomfort despite the apparent calm of the various characters present in the scene.

The use of nudity on the God is to represent a form of pronounced weakness by being laid in a bed, which is a private space. The characters observing the blade being thrust into the body are very calm, proving their mutual agreement to this abhorrent act. The presence of the serpent surrounding the deity's defenseless body expresses anger, warning of the gravity of the situation, and many other details define the story of this scene."

YouTube process: [click here]


"Here are projects that are part of this same universe but were produced for a different purpose than the project above."

Illustration pour la production de tapis de souris

"A drawing that represents the divine appearance of the God of Wisdom. The focus of the work had to be solely on the right side, considering that the keyboard would likely be placed on the left and middle of the drawing."

Year-end project at Institut Artline

"In an effort to add secondary deities to my universe, I decided to represent myself as a deity while producing my self-portrait. This project was abandoned to avoid complicating an already sufficiently complex story.

This was my first vector animation, many thanks to the advice of Ouellé Déborah, who was my mentor during this project."

Simple Sketch but... it became an anatomy exercise

"As I often produce quick sketches, many of them become correction exercises surrounded by many professionals in the field. A big thank you to all who teach me!"

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