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Character and Environment Illustrations 2024!

Character and Environment Illustrations 2024!

Nikki Poh
by TamagoAki on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello there! I’m Nikki, a recent graduate from Nanyang Polytechnic’s Animation and Visual Effects course! Here’s a bunch of my most recent works :) !!

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Daemade Useby

I was given the chance to illustrate this client’s main Baldur’s Gate 3 / Dungeons & Dragons character again and since it’s been about almost exactly a year since I drew Daemade for the first time, I felt that it was going to be a great opportunity to see how much I’ve improved since last year!

Rough sketch -> Rough greyscale -> Colors -> Polish greyscale -> Final!!

2023 (left) —— to ——> 2024 (right) !

I would like to improve on my colors and values in the future! Right now the colors aren’t as eye catching / interesting looking as I wanted so I’ll keep working on that as I go… !

I Am No Jedi

After finishing Star Wars : The Clone Wars final episode, I could only draw my favorite character Ahsoka Tano.. This piece started out as a traditional ink and water drawing before I digitally cleaned and colored it in Procreate!

Traditional rough sketch scan -> Cleaner digital greyscale -> Rough colors -> Final !!

Definitely could improve on the anatomy but I’m pretty happy with how she turned out in total!

Theia and Borp

In my second year of Animation and Visual Effects at Nanyang Polytechnic, we were tasked with creating two environments, an exterior and interior establishing shot, based off a pitch bible base that was provided to all of us that would go hand in hand with our character design course. 

The pitch bible is for a kids show called ‘Theia and Borp’, and I decided to make my story about a 12 year old girl, Theia, who lives in space and goes on adventures with her pet space llama, Borp!

Interior Shot : Theia’s Room

Being a chaotic little kid who loves knitting, I worked to incorporate elements of her hobbies and her living habits, like the futuristic looking knitting machine below her weirdly shaped window , or her shoe rack with only right shoes as she has a prosthetic left leg!

After isometric room planning and thumbnails…

Rough sketch -> Rough greyscale -> Adjusted greyscale -> Colors -> Final !

Learnt alot about what goes into planning and illustrating environments, with alot of help from my teacher Ms Deda! 

Exterior Shot : Theia’s House

Set in space, I had the freedom to make my own planet and systems, and I created a hollow planet with an inner city and asteroid belt transport system!

After thumbnails + rough lighting tests, I decided to go with the daytime scene!

Rough greyscale -> Cleaner greyscale -> Rough colors -> Final!

Looking back on this, I would have tried to preserve more of the texture and brushstrokes as I over - smoothened everything, and the rendering style does not match as well with the interior shot.

Environment Photo Studies

A quickfire round of environment studies I did recently! My main aim was to be able to stylize and finish pieces quickly as well as learn what color combos would look good together! Being really into environment pieces right now, I also wanted to absorb more knowledge of how different things look and build up my visual library.

All references are on the left, and my studies are on the right!

I also tried to get a smooth and effective workflow, by starting with a really basic sketch then using the lasso tool and filling in the local color before diving into rendering!

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