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2024 Demo Reel - 3D character Animator

2024 Demo Reel - 3D character Animator

Yaiza López Parra
by yaizalopez on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi everyone! I’m Yaiza and I just finished my 3D animation master’s degree at Animum school.

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It’s my second time in ‘The Rookie Awards’ and this year I bring you my last 3D animation compilation. This has been a hard year because the animations have been getting more complicated, and we all know that learning is always complicated. But not everything has been hard, I loved making these animations. I have always wanted to give life to characters and bring people that excitement that I have every time I see a movie, and I have managed to make my dream come true. So the effort has been worth it and this is only the beginning of my dream.

This is my 2024 demo reel, I hope you enjoy it and thank you for taking a look.

As you can see, in my new demo reel, I’ve been working on the last few months on acting, pantomime and cartoon animations.


This animation has been my first contact with the cartoon style. I did it in the last module of the master’s degree, well, I finished it a few weeks ago, it’s my last work.

For this animation I was sure about the character I wanted to use. His name is Rudy, and he is a small purple bat. He was completely different from what I had animated before. You may wonder, why Rudy? Well, I had never animated a flight and I wanted to take that challenge.

From this first idea, I began to develop small stories where Rudy had to use his wings. The idea came up quickly and already from the layout I was clear about how I wanted the environment and the color palette. 

In this animation I also wanted to test the limits, I wanted to make multiples and a snappy animation in some parts. In the end, I added 2D effects and ambient sounds to create a more immersive atmosphere, closer to what you can see in a cinema.


Despite not being my first acting animation, it was a great challenge for me. You had to focus in more than one character and how they interact with each other.

The objective was to create a performance between two characters with different personalities and choose an audio to work on the facial animation and lip-sync. 


This was my first assignment with the character seated. It was also my first time hitting an object and it was a great challenge for me. I was able to practice the body mechanics with some actions like hitting the claxon, pulling the doorknob and getting up and down from the seat.

I liked the traffic jam at night idea, because it could explain why the protagonist was angry.


This animation was my first contact with acting, I chose an audio that I loved because I though that it would be funny to animate. I wanted to make something unexpected, so I added halloween decoration making people think that he was wearing a costume but, in reality, he was a real vampire with a decapitated head.

I also had to think about why somebody would open the door to a vampire, so the halloween idea was helpful. I wanted it to be the trick or treat night, with a lot of ambient lights. This event would explain why someone would open the door and why a real vampire could be walking outside.

Before saying goodbye, I hope you liked and enjoyed my work.

And that’s all for the moment. See you in the next Rookie Awards with my new 3D animations.

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