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Portfolio - Annabella Tan

Portfolio - Annabella Tan

by annabellatan on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi! I'm Annabella and I'm 18, studying at Flinders University/CDW Studios in Australia!

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Hi, I'm Annabella! I'm 18 and in my 2nd year of uni at Flinders University/CDW Studios! 

Here is a project I did for character design this year. Our brief was to design characters for a fighting game. I chose to base mine off the Chinese new year zodiac animals, and based the designs on the physical characteristics of the animals. I based the personalities of the characters on the personalities believed to be related to those born in each animal year. I based the characters in a kung-fu modern world where traditional elements such as architecture and clothing still stand, and animal abilities and martial arts are relied on.

Ideation for my first character based on the rabbit zodiac.

Ideation for my second character based off of the dragon zodiac.

Ideation for my final character based on the tiger zodiac.

Logo and select screen ideation.

Ideation of the remaining zodiac characters. Used these sketches for the final select screen.

Some character lore that the designs are based off of:

Rat - A pickpocket, she knows stealth and how to get away fast. Work smarter not harder is her favourite line. Heck, she doesn’t even need to work with the success of her thievery. It’s enough to maintain a good life in the city.

Ox - A dependable farmer. He’s a classic big brother character that the whole village goes to due to his generosity and diligence. A strong and buff guy that often transports the carts.

Snake (Chain whip - binds, hits) - Taking revenge for the murder of her entire family. She has spent her whole life seeking revenge. Every clue she’s come across has lead to the perpetrator being within the royal court. Mysterious and always has her chain whip hidden on her. She knows how to seduce and strike.

Horse - A general in the army that is well liked by his subordinates. They’re all encouraging him to raise his status and join the tournament. They’re cheering him on. A bit rash at times, there was an incident from the start of his time in the army where he made a wrong decision in the past that still affects him.

Goat/sheep - Timid, with much self doubt, she’s taking her first step to achieve her dreams. Never been to the big city before, and she’s constantly amazed with the new sights and new people. She’s an extremely kind person. From the mountains. She’s had a very hard life of poverty and loss, so she’s been hopeful and trained hard.

Monkey - Comedic guy who wants to meet girls in the royal court. Wanting to find an excuse to get away from home, he wants to live the high life up in the big city. Often he travels to the big city for this reason. He knows martial arts is popular with women and it’s his ticket, he’s motivated to work hard. He’s a flirt, but he’s also quite smart in getting what he wants.

Rooster - Hardworking artisan who sells jewellery. She carries herself with elegance and poise, and runs a reliable business. Often travelling around for trade, she had to learn martial arts to protect herself on the road.

Dog - Enthusiastic but gives up way too easily. A happy-go-lucky, lovable town girl. Does she even have what it takes? Spends a lot of time finding ways to slack off, but due to her father being an infamous martial arts fighter, she has had to train alot. Rebellious, stubborn.

Pig (Broadsword - due to it’s ease of use) - Originally not going to participate as he was content with his care free life. However, his village has been lacking in trade, and life is becoming harder. He thinks that by joining the royal guard, he’ll be able to live a chill life again. Works on the farm, generously gives out food to those struggling. 

Final select screens with all assets pulled together!

Little sketch for some worldbuilding.

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