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Sandra Blasco - Character Artist 2024

Sandra Blasco - Character Artist 2024

Sandra Blasco Rodríguez
by SandraBlasco on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello, I'm Sandra Blasco, a 3D artist. This post is a combination of a project I did at Animum Creativity School and a personal project. I hope you enjoy it a lot and that you help me improve as an artist!

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Fantasy Bearded Dragon

This 3D model features an anthropomorphic bearded dragon, inspired by Marcus Whinney's Charmander design, with my own personal touch.

The overall aesthetic merges natural reptilian elements with a humanoid form, creating a serene and scholarly character.


I have used references from bearded dragons, human morphology, and other creatures to create this 3D model. Every detail has been carefully considered to achieve a harmonious fusion of reptilian elements and humanoid features.

Studying is one of the most crucial steps when creating a character. It's essential to understand its essence, origins, and the direction you want to take. I've drawn inspiration from a bearded dragon modeled after Charmander, but I've chosen to reinterpret it with a more human approach. My aim was to capture the original design's essence and aesthetic while incorporating anthropomorphic elements to enhance its human and expressive qualities. This fusion of reptilian and human traits opens up new creative possibilities, allowing for a unique story to be conveyed through the character.


After a long creation process, we have reached the end with this beautiful render, which is now ready to captivate the world.

Fantasy Sea Deer

I have chosen to depict the sea deer as a fantasy creature, to emphasize its uniqueness and mystery in the underwater world. Inspired by the terrestrial deer, this marine being features antlers made of coral, fins on its legs, and gills, giving it an appearance closely tied to the marine realm and an enigmatic yet elegant presence.


I've drawn inspiration from the musculature and elegance of horses and deer for the body. The ears are inspired by mermaid tails, adding a magical and fantastical touch to its appearance. The tail features seaweed. The horns are formed by corals. The sea deer's skin is textured with the pattern of the whale shark, combining colors and textures of dolphins and sharks to create a unique and captivating appearance.




Diferent pose

This creature was the first one I made in the Animum master's program. Thanks to this, I'm passionate about creating weird creatures and having a great creative process. With my head held high like this Sea Deer, I'm going to fight for my dream.

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