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Albert Triviño Tejedor
by Demoscopico on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Welcome to my Digital Compositing Reel! My name is Albert Triviño, I'm excited to present my latest work from Animum Creativity Advanced School. This reel showcases my expertise in digital compositing, visual effects, and post-production. Each shot was composed in Nuke, ensuring high-quality and seamless integration.

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Inspired by the movie "Fright Night," this project involved creating a spooky, atmospheric scene and various elements in Adobe Photoshop, such as eye wrinkles, to enhance the realism of the character.I focused morphing techniques to enhance the transformation sequences.

Inspired by the movie "Prometheus," this project focused on integrating VFX elements with live-action characters to create the atmosphere of an alien planet. I worked meticulously on blending CGI components with the characters, ensuring a cohesive and immersive experience.

Based on the series "Stranger Things," I worked on creating a fantastic eerie atmosphere in a forest setting. The aim was to achieve a mysterious and otherworldly feel without presenting an idyllic image, focusing on the supernatural and unsettling aspects reminiscent of the Upside Down.

Inspired by the concept art of Mark Kolobaev, this project is a fully CGI integration that creates the atmosphere of a newly discovered alien planet. The scene features lush, dense vegetation, capturing the essence of an uncharted, fantastical world. I focused on developing a rich and immersive environment, emphasizing the beauty and mystery of this alien terrain. Additionally, I used particle effects in Nuke to create realistic rain, adding to the otherworldly atmosphere of the scene.

Inspired by the short film "Keloid" by Big Lazy Robot, this project started with a real landscape image and added all CGI elements to create a dynamic action scene. The integration focused on blending CGI robots into the background. Particle effects in Nuke were used to recreate falling snow, enhancing the dramatic and immersive atmosphere of the scene.

Inspired by the movie "Interstellar," this project involved the integration of a person with a CGI astronaut helmet. The goal was to create a realistic and seamless look.

Inspired by "Star Wars," this project simulates a spaceship crashed on an alien planet. The focus was on creating the planet's atmosphere and integrating CGI elements.

Inspired by an advertisement created by UPP studio, this project focused on incorporating the live-action actor into the background to create a realistic and exhilarating sensation.

CGI elements were incorporated to establish the ambiance of space, including a spacecraft, asteroids, and celestial objects. Furthermore, lens flares were added to simulate the impact of light on the camera, enhancing the overall visual realism of the scene.

Thank you for watching my Demoreel. I'm eager to contribute my skills and passion to new projects in the digital compositing and visual effects industry. If you have any questions or potential collaborations, please feel free to reach out.

Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]

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