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Digital Compositing Reel 2024

Digital Compositing Reel 2024

Cristina Marinero
by crismarinero on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This is my submission for the Rookie Awards 2024. All these shots were done during my Digital Compositing Master’s Degree at Animum Creativity Advanced School, using Nuke and Photoshop for some additional elements. Hope you like it!

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Hello everyone! Here is my submission for the Rookie Awards 2024. All these shots were done during my Digital Compositing Master’s Degree at Animum Creativity Advanced School, using Nuke and Photoshop for some additional elements. I am very proud of the final result of each project. This Master's program has been a challenge for me because when I started, I didn't have any knowledge of composition. I believe you will notice how much I have learned and grown. Hope you like it!

I chose this shot because it included almost everything I learned during my master's program. It involved chroma keying of the characters, rotoscoping, CGI elements, camera tracking, adding other elements in the 3D environment such as fire, smoke and fog, and integrating everything with color grading. Paying attention to the smallest details was crucial to achieve a convincing result.

The vampire girl transformation was one of the most challenging shots, but also one of my favourites because of the possibility of changing the girl's appearance so much.

To achieve this, I used morphing to match the mouth with the CGI teeth and Photoshop to add other elements such as veins and eyes. Thanks to the smart vectors, I finished integrating them into the face.

To create the stroboscopic effect, I sped up the footage, reduced the frame rate and mixed frames to make the transformation more dramatic.

I added some objects to the buildings using Photoshop and then transferred them to Nuke. The most important part was creating a sense of depth between the background and the main characters. I achieved this by incorporating multiple layers of snowflakes created with Nuke particles at different depths to integrate the entire scene.

The idea of this scene was to create a magical atmosphere with the floating letters. The color grading and the volume created with the lights in the fog were very important for this. 

The atmosphere created by the lights and smoke was also essential in this shot, highlighting the central fire circle, torches, and the varied lighting generated in the environment. 

I hope you had as much fun watching the process as I did while doing it!

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