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Mysterious library

Mysterious library

Mónica Maldonado Martín
by mooartss on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi! I'm Mónica Maldonado, and this is the last environment i have been working. Hope you like it!

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Misterious Library

"I haven't slept in a while. Their screams don't let me sleep. They tell me: "Run! Escape!" But I don't know where or why. Now I know that there is something stalking us. All the students have been sent home, only I am left in the immensity of this library where before the children searched for knowledge among their books. But I'm not alone, these walls hide something, something sinister that speaks to me from the darkest corners of this damned place. These will probably be my last words, and here I state that, no matter what happens, this place must remain closed forever before "it" destroys everyone."

Environment breakdown

Hi! How are you? I' m here to present you my latest environment. First of all,  i want to tell you that I designed the room during blocking and with different composition tests, until I recreated the image I had in my head and it turned out the way I liked.

The idea

This project began with the intention of improving the environment of the video game that I made during my final degree project. At first, it was going to be a small, abandoned office, where it seemed that time had frozen in the past.

Video game image 

New blocking

But some persons recommended me that I must make the room larger, so it ended up becoming a library three times as big as I had originally planned. Because of this, I had to redisign the story of the place. I love telling stories and that is why each of my environments has its own. You can read the fragment at the beginning of this post.

First blocking of the new changes


As in all projects, the first thing to do is look for references of the objects that you will need during your project. With the blocking already done and with a more Victorian but not very ornate aesthetic chosen, I began with the modeling of the objects that I would need. Some of them were taken from bridge and some free modeling applications. These were mine.

Some things to highlight about this process was the creation of a height and normal map to make the texture of the carpets. These maps are made in substance designer. 

You can see that with a few nodes we can have a perfect texture for our models.

Some props in the motor


Note that for the walls, create a shader with different materials and masks that when moved will unhide another material under it. This is how I got the worn effect on the wallpaper. 


For the renders, I used different effects such as bloom and lens texture to create more attractive images and fil grain helped me recreate the look of an old photo. Aquí algunos ejemplos. 

Process View


It has a lot of assets and vfx that cost a lot of resources. There was a time when I didn't know if my computer was going to be able to render it. But the most tedious of all was placing the books one by one. There are more than eight thousand books, there came a time when I couldn't see the end. Despite everything, it was an environment that I enjoyed doing. Until now I hadn't tried to do interiors so here is the first one. I learned a lot doing it and, above all, it taught me that there is nothing you can't do. Thank you very much for seeing my project and I hope you like it.

Key renders recopilation

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