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by bohyeonGim on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

The video is about a baby and his toy Spider-Man. The two characters were designed to be expressed in a funny way in a short video.

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The main characters are a baby and his toy doll, Spider-Man. The video is about a chase scene between a baby and his toy, Spider-Man. Spider-Man toys always try to run away from the baby by being bullied, and the baby tries to catch his toys. Spider-Man manages to escape from the baby, but feels sorry for the sad him. So Spider-Man eventually returns to the baby's side and reconciles.


The video was inspired by the overall concept and situation from Pixar's Toy Story. Through the concept of baby and toy, I wanted to show how to produce subjects with a large difference in size and how to make cartoon-concept animations interesting. The camera plan was set up to match the main character settings of different subjects, humans and toys, and the perspective of the child and the perspective of the Spider-Man toy was divided into a more fun way to create. 

 From the point of view of Spider-Man toys, baby is fearful and dangerous. So, to make the baby look stronger, bigger, and scarier, the baby was filmed with a low-angle camera, making it look like a monster. But in the shot from a third party's point of view, the camera envisioned a moving toy and a baby chasing it in peace.


The purchased modeling assets were modified and rigged to match the cartoon animation. In the case of the Spider-Man toy, each joint was divided and modified to give it a more toy feel. Also, movies such as Toy Story and Spider-Man were referenced to match the character's concept. In the case of babies, the baby seen by the Spider-Man toy was worked on to look like a big, strong movement, and from a general point of view, the animation was carried out to look like a cute baby.

 After the overall car rigging, I used a lattice for dividing the area into top and bottom and I created a cluster for each part. Each of the entire controller and cluster added an expression, and the middle area was multiplied by 0.5 to set the value between the upper and lower areas differently. To make the car look fun, I worked on an animation that shook like a pudding.

 And the scene of climbing the goalpost was done with the Spider-Man character animation, and then the character's hand position was adjusted by giving keys one by one with a blend shape.


I used V-ray for rendering

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