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T. Allan - Concept Art 2024

T. Allan - Concept Art 2024

Allan Brown
by TAllan on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi! I've been studying concept art and illustration since August of last year. First under Hardy Fowler, now at CG Spectrum! Love to create rich, engaging environments and the characters within them. Especially enjoy architecture and cyberpunk!

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Post Apocalyptic Abandoned City

   Long forgotten and overgrown, this city once stood tall and powerful, but now it falls to rest. Rumors tell of a total war long passed that eventually laid to its waste. Devastation on an immeasurable scale yet a few buildings still remain standing to this day. Now that nature is taking what it once had, its hard to imagine what life was like before the end of the world.

   Beginning with initial shape carving and blocking out buildings. Trying to get a sense of scale and perspective. Experimenting with the lighting and the landscape for a rather closed in and almost trapped feeling.

   Next, starting to visualize the 3D environment. Adding dimensions to the buildings and casting some light to describe how they fit into the space. 

   Pulling out some smaller details to convey a decomposing cityscape. Collapsing walls and piled rubble with trees and bushes seeping through.

   Finally adding decayed vehicles and graffiti to suggest an unwelcoming presence along with final touch up details.

Cyberpunk Room Designs

Rough Idea sketches exploring different techniques and designs to find one that fits

Experimenting with further designs, lighting and shadow

Adding bright neon glowing colors to force a strong emphasis on a futuristic style. Running with a penthouse feel while suggesting secret intentions hiding within.

Underworld Citadel

   From the depths of the underworld, the abyssal citadel has risen. As it made its ascent, whispers of doom spread like wildfire. Some fear it as the harbinger of apocalypse, others wonder of what ancient evils stir within. Only those brave enough to confront the citadel's malevolent power may uncover the true extent of what lay behind those hellish walls.

   Starting with sketch, I knew I wanted to create a dominating atmosphere. Using the camera angle to my advantage I took this citadel to the sky. Wanting to elaborate the overwhelming mood, I designed the landscape around it, taking part of the earth with it. Having the ground crumble away as this castle emerges from the surface. As it pierced the sky, the clouds react and take shape around it. Lightning snaps at the floating island while the citadel glows to life and reigns over the land below.

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