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2024 Concept Art - Keiran Sawyers

2024 Concept Art - Keiran Sawyers

Keiran Sawyers
by KeiranSawyers on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello! My name is Keiran, and I'm about to finish my studies at CG Spectrum! Here is a collection of my personal concept art and Illustration work from over the past year. I hope you enjoy!

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'Troubled Treasure' is my small-scale story project inspired by a variety of fantasy shows and movies.

A treasure hunter full of confidence and bravado now cursed by her greed. Forever reminded of her mistakes through a sentence of stone and slime. 

She thought there would be no escape, until now. Whispers of a magical treasure holding the key to her salvation. One last adventure awaits for here, but is she up for the challenge?


'I lost a lot more than simple treasure that faithful day. I lost my sense of self. Now... It's time to claim it back'

Phyta is the main focus of this adventure. The beginning of the story is set 10 years after an expedition for treasure and consequently being afflicted by a mysterious curse, turning her into a creature of slime and rock. The desire to return to her former self leads her to discover a crystal treasure that could be the key to lifting her curse affliction, which sets in motion the adventure and tribulations she will embark on throughout the world.

Jagged Thorns

Created by Phyta herself from the rarest of crystals, this handy tool helps her traverse any treacherous terrain, or fight against any formidable foe.

Deserted Ruins

A mysterious ruin of another time. Potential treasures lie ready for the taking, but what else could be in waiting?

I wanted to highlight a stark contrast between the world outside of the ruins that Phyta has come from, and the mysterious world of the ruins within through lighting. 

Personal Portfolio

Here is a collection of personal artwork I've completed over the past several months

Render the Security Robot

I grew up with a fascination for robots, and so I was extremely excited to see a module of my course with CG Spectrum focusing on designing one of my very own. I decided upon a security robot that would be stationed outside of a private event or bar.

Caveman Game Props

Concepts of a Fire Pit and weapons post for a Caveman video game.

Space Marine Helmet

Special Thanks!

Thank you all for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed looking through all of my artworks as much as I did making them! 

I firstly want to give a special thank you to my mentor Fang Jing. They have been nothing short of amazing, and their advice and support during my time at CG Spectrum has been invaluable.

I also would like to thank all of my fellow students and the staff at CG Spectrum. The support from them as well as the friendships we have made is something I will cherish for the rest of my life, and I aspire to one day realise my dream of becoming a professional artist alongside them.

Lastly I want to give one extra special thanks to my family. Their love and support has meant so much to me, and I would not be pursuing my artistic dreams without them!

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