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Houdini Fx Td Showcase Reel

Houdini Fx Td Showcase Reel

Sam Savage
by SavageFx on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hey, This is some of my work ive been working on over the past months, and i will be continuing to update my reel in the future. I hope u like it

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This is my Reel that ive been and will continue to be working on throughout this year

This is my river project ive made recently, i went for a moody lighting with some fog, The trees were all made in speed tree, the vegetation on the ground is from megascans, the scene is rendered in karma.

Here u can see some of the shading/lookdev and comp process the project went through

This Cliff Project was done in collaboration with Nicolas Chan and Lorenz Antoni. Nic was the supervisor on the project and assisted me with scene optimization. Lorenz was responsible for the Comp and the environment. I was responsible for the water fx simulations, fx rendering/shaders and ww simulation/setup. I learnt so much on this project and i am truly grateful to both of them for asking me if id like to join them in creating this cliff piece.

Lorenz is an amazing environment artist, his youtube channel is below here showing the full project, In the description there is a link to their artstation and also Nicolas Chan's artstation. I urge u to give their work a look as they are amazing artists.

(Responsible for: Layout, Shading, Fx/simulations, lighting, comp) Megascan assets were used, as well as mixamo for anim.

This is An Axiom Fire project, i got my inspiration from the SMILE movie scene, I highly recommend axiom to anyone thinking about getting it, its a amazing tool, and allowed for very fast iteration speed.

The fire is split into sections so it is not all one sim, this is to save memory/vram. The sourcing is based off of  points, then the density, temp is noised along with giving more curl to the velocity. I opt'd to paint where i wanted my source to be so it was more art direct able rather than the procedural noise approach.

im also using the pyro spread for the background flame that goes across the floor.

The temperature on the body has a core i wanted the body to have very hot rising flames but the rest like the legs and the arms to have more small flames. I did this by grabbing a sphere placing it where i wanted my core, then using a pcopen function to get a radius from that sphere on the body and then id multiply the temperature to that mask so i had my core.

There is also a small vellum curtain sim i did.

Alot of this i learnt from watching Fabian Nowaks Houdini Talk on yt, he goes over plenty of sourcing techniques, and production tips, i highly recommend giving it a watch

This is my yacht project. For this i developed two water tools. U can see 2 of them at the end of my reel but here is the explanation of what they do:

What is the super charged ww tool: features include:
- Points optimization/ randomly delete points for source
- Mask by vorticity
- Mask by v
- Mask by curvature
- Mask by collider radius
- Mask by density
- Noise options to source
- better visualization
- Ability to cut off source based on Boundary of sim
- Much faster than the current ww sourcing tools.

For the collider it calculates using the nearpoints function as this is faster (i think) than doing a pcopen to get the radius. Although im sure i could have used the pcfind function and that would have been close to the same speed.

There is the ability to generate a density mask, in this case it was used to delete dense area's. Again rather than remapping a point cloud i opted to use volumes instead resorting in a much faster computation time. All the other options from the original ww sourcing method still exist so ur not losing any functionality.

Boat Wake vel tool:

This tool was inspired by the talk Igor Zanic and Bogdan Amidžić which they showcase a boat vel tool in the BHUG presenation on yt, i tried my best to replicate it as i knew it would help give interesting results and was needed to make a boat wake.

Here u can see it is based off of lines , which is generated from an edge group from the boat geometry, Here i use a copy to points, add the lines, give them a direction at the top so it goes sideways, (only one side its then mirrored). Before this though i generate a pscale attribute based on its bounds which is then remapped for control on a rampwith then also an added noise functionailty so that u can add some randomness .(its timeshifted and froze at the origin before the copying, then transformed with the boat anim after all operations are done for ease of masking purposes). 

The engine is a similar concept the difference is that for its strength its actually based on a the curveu of a line that is transformed in conjunction to the cylinder shape of the engines, that way when u make ur engine cylinder longer ur curveu will update accordingly. It has standard curl and turbulence controls, and its also using a cross product function to create an orbit vector. This is created by subtracting our current posistion to the geometrys center (inward vectors) cross with our velocity pointing away from boat = orbit.

This was a Car Fire simulation I did (Again with axiom) (Responsible For Fire fx, smoke, Embers, Comp, lighting, layout)

I used alot of the same techniques i did for my room fire, except this time i used the procedural method for sourcing by using noise to isolate area's of which id like to source from.

Anyways For now that is all i have to show, (in my reel there is a small snippet of wip of a beach im working on but its not quite to the standard to call it finished yet and will need more work and i wont reach the deadline) However i hope u liked what uve seen. If u have any questions about my work u can contact me at savage____fx on instagram or dm me on discord if u know me from there and for work related things u can email me : [email protected] (based in uk)

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