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Andrew RA portfolio

Andrew RA portfolio

by hotzilla on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

I am thrilled to present my portfolio for consideration in the Rookie Award. My work is a testament to my passion for animation and my dedication to honing my craft across multiple disciplines.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Motion Graphic - Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow

Drawn from Shakespeare’s Macbeth, "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow," this project delves into the brevity of life and the dreams that fuel us. Too often, though, we shelve our aspirations, shackled by fear. Yet, with each hesitant step forward, we cultivate an inner strength, slowly but surely. My aim with this endeavor is to illustrate the journey of personal growth and perseverance in pursuit of passion. Through compelling visuals and narrative, I hope to empower viewers, igniting within them the courage to chase their own dreams.

Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow - Styleframe

Motion Graphic - Fight Club

Inspired by the movie "Fight Club", this motion media project aims to use elegant motion graphics to urge viewers to break free from the shackles of consumerism and contemplate the true essence of life. Through visually captivating quotes, the project encourages viewers to embrace imperfection, accept the lack of control, and strive to live authentically.

Fight Club - Styleframe Process

Motion Graphic - INGRESS ANOMALY

Ingress is a unique and immersive AR game that encourages players to explore the real world, interact with their surroundings, and collaborate with other players to achieve common goals.

“Anomaly” is a special event where members of the two factions, the Enlightened and the Resistance, compete against each other to gain control of specific Portals and regions. Anomalies usually occur simultaneously in multiple cities around the world.

Niantic often provides special rewards and recognition to players who participate in Anomaly events, and they can have a significant impact on the ongoing storyline of the game. Anomalies are a big part of the Ingress community and are often highly anticipated by players.


Hero Outlook refinement

MUBI Logo Animation Series


MUBI LOGO ANIMATION - Discover the Greatness

Digital Graffiti attended pieces - Wave and Tide



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