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Maja Banas  - First Year of Digital Art

Maja Banas - First Year of Digital Art

by MajaBanas on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi!, I'm Maja Banas and I'm a 19yr old student at Howest Digital Arts and Entertainment. Here is a collection of some of my art pieces from my first year at Howest.

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Rustborn Racer

My final assignment for my preproduction 1 class.

We were asked to design a vehicle for participants in a 24 hour endurance race around one of the desert islands in the world of Rustborn. The vehicles were to be assembled from aircraft parts and race on wheels, tracks or skids.

It was a difficult task for me and it took a lot of time and effort, but in the end, I am pleased with my design.

After The Flood

My 1st assignment for Preproduction 2 at Howest .

We were asked to create a small scene in a flooded environment which included a wooden bucket, bricks and a pump as the focal point. The main focus in this assignment was the use of light and form.

I hadn't done much digital art before coming to Howest, and so it was definitely a challenge to adjust to a different kind of workflow that came with this medium. 


My 2nd assignment for preproduction 2 at Howest Digital Arts and Entertainment. We were asked to create both a narrative and compositional link between two chosen elements in an exterior environment, I chose to go with an abandoned ferris wheel and a coaster. For this assignment we focused on composition and color.

With each assignment I feel like I'm learning more techniques, and interesting methods on how to approach this medium. I'm happy with what I've learned and created throughout the year even though I know there's a lot of areas in which I can improve, but I think this is a nice start to the journey.

Thank you for looking at my work I hope you enjoyed!

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