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Static City

Static City

by aimucat on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

For my Rookies submission this year, I have chosen to upload my final major project that I have worked on over my third and final year at the University For The Creative Arts. This project entails a character and their companion exploring an abandoned city in order to find out what has caused all of it.

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Static City Character Sheets, showcasing my protagonist and their companion (Kit & Kat) and the antagonist and their AI (Vulpes).

Environment pieces showing the different settings and events that will be in the Static City. The Alleyway, in which Kit & Kat are overlooking an alley in the city with clear signs of the people who were at one point residents of the city, but haviing hastily abandoned it. Sparks within the power cables imply the presence of Vulpes AI, watching over the intruders in their city. Main Street shows Kit & Kat seemingly running from or towards something in the city. The third scenen depicts a facedown with Vulpes and their AI in what looks like their lair.

Finally, here are the front and back covers I created for the art book for this project.

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