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Eliot Swain Graduate Modelling Showreel

Eliot Swain Graduate Modelling Showreel

by EliotSwain on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A showcase of my best modelling pieces from my final year of study, with some procedural Houdini bits slipped in.

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Hello Rookies! I am Eliot Swain, a graduating modelling & texture artist from the University of Hertfordshire. Here is my showreel of some of the best modelling pieces I've done this year, as well as a couple procedural doohickeys I conjured up in Houdini. Most of my work is from my graduate film, What Remains (check out our Rookies page!!).

Also, special thanks to the Didcot Railway Center for their support in gathering reference for the Class 08 Shunter, they were incredibly helpful and informative.

Class 08 Shunter Breakdowns

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