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Alessio Porceddu VFX entry 2024

Alessio Porceddu VFX entry 2024

by alessioporceddu on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello everyone, this is my entry for The Rookies in the VFX category.

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Hello everyone, here I present my latest works done during this recent period of study, during which I had the opportunity to attend the Master in CG at Skyup Academy. This experience allowed me to learn and participate in some wonderful projects.

My goal is to specialize in the field of texturing, and to break into the world of VFX to work in that field.

Rusty K-2SO

The first personal project I worked on during my studies at SkyUp Academy, Representing K-2SO from the movie Star Wars: Rogue One immersed in rust.

In this project, I took care of every aspect, from modeling to texturing, up to the final render. It was a challenging trial in which I had a lot of fun.

01 Reference

The first part of the project involved conducting thorough research on the models and materials appearing in my reference.

02 Modeling

After researching references, I proceeded with my modeling until I was ready to move on to the texturing phase.

I modeled the robot in an A-pose and then positioned it in a later stage.

03 Texturing

In this phase, I worked with Substance Painter. Here you can see the various steps of the maps. The most challenging aspect was recreating a material that simulated rust and applying it correctly

04 Lighting

Within Maya, using V-Ray, I focused on the lighting aspect, employing a set of three lights and a dome light.

05 Final Comp

I used Photoshop to integrate a background, making the image visually more engaging and less monotonous.

06 Turntable

"Everyone Wants One" - Group Thesis

This is the final project of my master's degree, in which I participated in a group project where I served as the CG supervisor. Specifically, I handled the compositing of 3 out of 5 elements, which I will now show you along with their breakdowns.

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