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by meyernoe on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

An ancient statue is exposed on a pedestal, made of common stone. But then, the lights are out and the visitors are away. Only then does the statue show its true colors...

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Hello everyone. Here is my ESMA project "Transformation". The goal was to create a visual transition to a change of texture in an object. 

An ancient statue is exposed on a pedestal, made of common stone. But then, the lights are out and the visitors are away. Only then does the statue show its true colors...

For the ambiance, I wanted it to be something similar to a museum. I first sculpted the statue in blender, then rendered the two states of the artefact with Renderman, as well as a different lighting for the first one.

For the transition, I wanted to create a psychedelic-looking effect, that feels almost liquid in the way that it covers the object.

In nuke, I first created a flat version, then I applied it to my object using its UVS and finally used my ambiant occlusion render and shadows to give it more depth.

I added stars subtly moving in the dark parts.

I then used Nuke to render the final video.

Thank you for reading, I hope you have a nice day.


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