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MoYi - Ink Reminisce

MoYi - Ink Reminisce

by SHIHUIDORISHE on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

"MoYi - Ink Reminisce" is a storytelling VR experience inspired by traditional Chinese ink painting. This project merges ancient Chinese culture with VR technology, offering a visually stunning and immersive story that connects players with ancient traditions through modern storytelling.

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MoYi - Ink Reminisce

"Ink Reminisce" is a VR experience that pays homage to the classic Chinese myth, "The White Snake Enchantress''. In this unique narrative, I set aside the traditional love story to focus on the deep sisterly bond between the White Snake and the Green Snake. I transport players into a world suffused with sorrow and beauty, where the White Snake, as the player's avatar, retraces cherished moments spent with her sister through a series of symbolic interactions, delving into the profound emotions of loss. 

Players traverse an initially monochromatic world that gradually fills with warm colors through interactions with objects and music within the game.The experience's music, played exclusively on traditional Chinese instruments, ranges from a solitary flute at the beginning to a resonating guzheng melody that harmonizes with the pipa, aligning each musical segment with the player's emotional arc, bridging the gap between the player and the ancient tale.



"Ink Reminisce" introduces players to Chinese mythology and traditional art, especially ink wash painting. The game uses monochrome scenes with outlined objects to mimic traditional Chinese ink paintings, offering a unique visual experience. This style enhances the story and educates players about Chinese art techniques and cultural symbols. The game's environments and objects, designed like ink paintings, let players explore ancient Chinese culture, mythology, and philosophy. Through this immersive experience, players gain a deeper appreciation of China's cultural heritage and storytelling traditions.

The primary aim of this experience is to create a profound emotional connection by encouraging players to reflect on their own personal memories and experiences. The narrative journey of the White Snake and her sister serves as a mirror for players to explore their relationships with loved ones, both past and present. The game delicately intertwines these universal themes of love, loss, and memory, allowing players to process and perhaps find solace in their personal experiences of grief or cherished moments with family. Through this reflective journey, "Ink Reminisce" provides a space for healing and understanding, offering players an opportunity to reconcile with their past and appreciate the depth of their relationships.


Opening Scene

The player begins in a black-and-white world that reflects ancient China’s serene atmosphere. This environment mirrors traditional Chinese ink paintings. When the player clicks "Start," a scroll unfurls, marking the narrative's start and revealing the menu.

The main menu includes "Start," "Control," "Story," and "Exit," all designed to match the monochromatic theme and keep the cultural immersion.

Selecting "Start" transitions to the first scene with an ink effect. "Control" teaches players VR navigation, like grabbing, teleporting, and touching. "Story" provides background information to deepen the player’s understanding of the narrative. "Exit" allows players to leave the game.

Lake Wood Scene

The player begins the second scene with an ink transition from the main menu, arriving in a tranquil, monochrome mountain and water landscape inspired by traditional Chinese ink paintings. The detailed scenery includes mountains, lakes, and flora, all rendered like ink wash art.

As the player walks along the path, they reach a pavillion by the lake. Here, a brightly colored flute rests on a stone table, standing out in the monochrome world and symbolizing life and memory.

When the player interacts with the flute, color spreads from it, filling the landscape with vibrant hues and symbolizing the awakening of old memories and hidden beauty. NPC Xiao Qing then appears on a boat with a particle effect resembling gathering mist or swirling ink, enhancing the scene's mystical feel.

Xiao Qing plays her flute, inviting the player to join in a harmonious duet that symbolizes the reunion and bond between the sisters. After the duet, the player can explore the now colorful landscape. The scene ends with a path leading to a mystical portal, hinting at the journey's next chapter.

Tree Island

The scene begins with an ink-wash animation transitioning the player to Great Tree Island, a monochrome landscape centered around an ancient tree, evoking solitude and untouched nature.

Exploring the island, the player discovers a GuZheng and a music sheet with three marked notes near the Great Tree. Playing these notes spreads vibrant colors across the landscape, symbolizing the island's hidden vitality and forgotten memories.

As the colors emerge, NPC Xiao Qing appears from gathering mists. She plays the pipa, joining the player in a duet. Kongming lanterns and fireflies illuminate the newly vibrant landscape, enhancing the enchantment.

After the performance, the player explores the transformed island, uncovering elements that reveal the protagonist's past and the Great Tree's significance. The scene ends with the player finding a path to a mystical portal, leading to the next chapter of the story and symbolizing the protagonist's ongoing journey through memories and life.

Credit Scene

After completing the narrative journey, the player transitions to the credits scene with a gentle ink wash animation, symbolizing the story's conclusion and a return to calm reflection.

The credits scene mirrors the initial main menu landscape but is now richly colored, signifying the transformation and growth experienced throughout the game. This serene setting retains the delicate ink wash aesthetic, now infused with vibrant colors reflecting the journey's emotional and visual evolution.

As the credits roll, a large scroll slowly closes, symbolizing the end of the story and echoing traditional narrative closures in ancient Chinese literature. At the end of the credits, players can choose to return to the main menu or exit the game.

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