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My concept art portfolio 2024

My concept art portfolio 2024

Nico Morales
by nichromatic on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Showcase of my most recent portfolio pieces and the workflow I follow to create them

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Hi! My goal for this entry was to revamp some of my older ideas to better display the skills I've learned recently, specially regarding illustration and applying 3D modelling to my workflow.

Main project: Lady Hawthorne

I decided to focus on a large project that would allow me to create all kinds of concepts: characters, props, and environments, and also that would force me to make sure the style and vibe of the pieces were consistent and cohesive. In the end, I came up with a game idea about hunting supernatural beings with the help of alchemy (in the form of perfume-making), and investigating the source of the vampirism sickness that plagues the land. There's some extra stuff at the end though!


A mysterious young woman who makes a living as a florist and parfumier. Although the townsfolk regard her as a kind and pleasant neighbour, no one knows much about her before she moved: her past and family matters always kept a closely guarded secret.

Reserved and unnervingly calm no matter the circumstances, her true feelings are rarely exposed. She holds a deep-rooted sense of justice, a strong hatred for those she considers evil, and an unwavering desire for vengeance.

Props: Tools of the trade

During the game's storyline, Hawthorne travels to other settlements to sell her wares and, secretly, to hunt down occult creatures that terrorize the countryside. She always carries with her a large and rather cumbersome traveling case, which contains everything a florist-turned-vampire-hunter might need in their day-to-day (and night-to-night) activities.

My goal was to contextualize the crafting and inventory menus with a prop that players would interact with. In-game, the trunk would stay in the hotel room or hideout where Hawthorne is staying for that chapter, and the players would need to return there to craft items (using the crafting stations), store resources, and save the game (notice the diary inside the bottom drawer!).

Ideally, the trunk would be seen opening and closing whenever the player interacts with it, so I had to make sure the folding mechanism made sense and everything fit nicely inside. I started by making a very basic 3D model and testing how the sides fold to find a design that worked nicely while also providing sufficient space to place everything. After that, I started sketching on top of the 3D render to figure out where everything was supposed to go.

Environment: Florist's Cottage

A quaint building at the edge of town that acts as both a home and business. Before Hawthorne bought and renovated the property, it sat abandoned and in disrepair for many years. The renovation included the construction of an extra room in the front of the property to act as the shop and to help keep the public business space separated from the living quarters, and the landscaping of the garden where flowers and herbs are grown to sell at the shop and make artisanal perfume.

For this piece, I also started with a simple 3D blockout of the house that would give me a better sense of scale and also allow me to rotate and pick the angle that best describes the parts I wanted to show. I also used simple colors and lighting to check how the values and shadows would look and moved things around accordingly to improve the composition.

I decided to show how the interior of the building matches with the exterior to give a better visual feel of the place. It also makes it feel somewhat like a dollhouse, which I think is cute.

Old flowershop interior

The first iteration of the Florist's Cottage. Before I split the shop section and put it as a separate section of the building, the whole house used to be much smaller. I decided that the shop should be a bit more elaborate and memorable, so this design was scrapped in the end. The hanging pots were a feature I really liked but couldn't find a way to add it to the new design without it feeling too crowded.

Other works

Desert Canyon

Environment art practice I made some time ago. Heavily inspired by the shape and color of Antelope Canyon in Arizona.

Glacial bluefin crocodile

A creature design made by mixing two existing creatures (crocodiles and killer whales). I completely overhauled the illustration this time around.

Cyberpunk-ish deliveryman

A quick character design made to resemble modern day food delivery employees. I focused on designing the company brand first, and then designed the outfit and character around it.

Beast fighters

Some designs and a splash art screen for an action game about beast-men (we all know what these are) fighting to decide which animal gets to become King of the Jungle.

Thank you for reading!

If you reached this far, thanks! It's been fun writing down a summary of everything I've been working on, and I hope to have many new things to share in the future.

Aside from original concept art, I love to draw fan art of my favorite videogames and shows. I'll leave some here as a little treat for sticking with me for so long. Thanks again, and have a nice day!

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