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Benjamin Vial VFX & Compositing artist entry

Benjamin Vial VFX & Compositing artist entry

Benjamin Vial
by BenjaminVial on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi my name is Benjamin, I am currently in my second year of VFX major at Howest Digital Arts and Entertainment. I mostly focus myself on Compositing and VFX simulations, but I like experimenting with other things to try to create nice renders.

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Hi everyone !  Here are some of the projects I made over the past few months. 

Big Liz project

With the help of four other students ( 3 animators and another VFX artist like me) we created this shot of a lizard entering a museum and breaking everything apart. 

My main focus on this project was the simulations of the statues as well as the lighting and a part of the compositing. 

Model by: Ciel Moens

Rig and textures by: Caithlin Marievoet

Animation by: Ciel Moens & Ward Deceuninck

Glass sim and Compositing by: Caro Ruymaekers 

Minerva Project


CGI integration project where I used the Minerva asset pack to create a shot of a base on another planet.I was provided with the layout of the environment as well as the camera, and I made all the rest from the placement and anilation of the different assets, the lighting to the final compositing of the video . 

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