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Arina Kosiakov  - Concept art 2024

Arina Kosiakov - Concept art 2024

Arina Kosiakov
by dullakai on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

I'm a concept art student at BigRock school. Here you can see some of the works I've done during my master since March 2023. Hope you'll enjoy!

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Hello Everyone !

This is a compilation of the works I've doen during my master in Concept art since March 2024. For more personal work you can visit my artstation account. Enjoy!



2D Environment Design 

This project is the outcome of the 2D Environment assignment. The given theme was "ruins".  The idea was to create an environment that showed the remains of cities after a big disaster suggesting the feeling of melancholy but at the same time peace.

Year 2077, Russia

One of the biggest energy corporations were seeking new forms of energy. This time the idea was to take the energy from the core of the planet. After one of the experiments, colossal explosion ripped through the land, decimating the population and leaving the cities in ruins. The aftermath saw fragments of the Earth and entire cityscapes suspended in the air. Amidst the chaos, survivors grapple with the harsh reality of their shattered world, trying to adapt to the new landscape. Resources are scarce, and the challenge seem insurmountable as they navigate the remnants of their former civilisation. Yet, amidst the desolation, a flicker of resilience remains.

The Greenhouse

3D Environment Design 

For this project a block out was created using Blender, and used later as the base for the painting. 

The main idea of this project was to create a Solarpunk environment. In the foreground it is possible to see The Greenhouse, a place where all kinds of plants are stored. From the collection of rarest seeds to the oldest trees on the planet. 

Render Exercise

In this project the lineart was already provided. The aim of the exercise was to modify the original lineart and render.  

Shape language  - serious, squared

For this project two adjective were given in order to create a character. In particular, for this piece the adjective were serious and square. 

The main goal was to create a character which wouldn't be perceived as something banal and already seen.

The final result shows a headmaster of a very prestigious school.  

Initial exploration

Pallette choice

Shadowclaw  & Netherbane

Character design

D.Y.V.E - diving armor

Prop design

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