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Oculi Animae Speculum Sunt

Oculi Animae Speculum Sunt

by Thrayn on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

LinkedIn : Thomas RAMOND; Rémy ALMAR; Pauline GAERTNER; Maceo MUCCIGNATO; Juliette BERTRAND; Alexandre PLANTARD; Bastiaan FERNANDEZ; Guillaume VELILLA; ItchIo:

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Oculi Animae Speculum Sunt

Trailer :


Oculi is a first-person horror/thriller and puzzle adventure in which the player controls a young journalist. With no memory of how she ended up in this strange mansion, she tries to escape. But the mansion that doesn't seem ready to let her go, someone, or something, seems to be keeping an eye on her...

Level Design / Map

Graphic Direction

Simple models, not totally realistic but with more stylized and detailed textures. Taken from the style of the film Kingdom of Naya, lighting atmosphere inspired by Resident Evil.

General atmosphere: disturbing, dark, mysterious, distressing, oppressive.

The environment

You will progress from room to room in a manor, reserving three puzzles for yourself in order to progress in the manor and repair the mirror in the entrance. During this journey you will rediscover each room from a new angle.

I - Environmental changes

During your adventure, you will cross rooms which will change gradually, removing doors, walls or making others appear.

II - Hiding places

In the mansion you can find many pieces of furniture against which you can crouch in order to escape the gazes stalking you lurking in the dark, if they see you or you look at them for too long, you will be plunged little by little into the abysmal and eternal darkness.

III - Enigmas

Several puzzles will block the player who will have to solve them in order to continue his exploration.

Clues will be scattered throughout certain rooms to tell the player how to solve them.


I - Elise

A young 24-year-old journalist, Elise was born in a small town in Kentucky before moving to New York as soon as she had the chance. Elise quickly proved herself as a journalist despite her outdated techniques. In fact, she remains very attached to the basics and journalistic values, which pushes her to always be equipped with her film camera and her notebook.

A curious and resourceful woman, she will do anything to find out how she ended up in this mansion and, above all, to get out.

II - Hubert / Monsieur Hubert

A creature lurking in the shadows, Hubert has wandered the mansion for longer than he can remember, wanting to be noticed but cursing those who meet his gaze.

Former owner of the Manor, Hubert once accumulated enormous debts. After his wife left, he met Mr. Tuorp, and devoted himself to his sect.

He has seen many people lose their minds and descend into madness, joining him in his solitude.


Modular Assets :

Textures :

Architectural code organisation


Movement: ZQSD

Interact: E / Left Click

Release: A

Inventory: Tab

Camera: Mouse

*No adaptation planned for the controller at the moment

 Atomic Mechanics Parameters:

I - Hubert

- Movement speed

- Ability to detect and pursue us

- Duration of stun

II - Elise

- Movement speed

- Film number in mansion

- Camera reload delay

III - Eyes

- Number of eyes in the mansion

- Ability to detect us

Game Screenshots

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