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Sky Piercer

Sky Piercer

Sky Piercer is an arcade plane game taking place on a cloud-covered Earth. The player controls a plane with the ability to spin and destroy obstacles or enemies.

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In Sky Piercer, you play as a brave pilot, Earth's final chance against an ancient weapon set on destroying the world.
Dodge its barrage of attacks and sneak into its tentacles by breaking its protective crystals with your powerful spin.
Navigate through thrilling, fast-paced challenges, dodging obstacles as you aim to take down this threat from within.
Click here to download the game!

                                                                 Full walkthrough of the game

                                                                         Poster of the game

                                                                    Screenshots of the game

                                                            Early plane concept by Paul Vezinet

                                                         Plane concept with various front view

                                                                 Color test and fake screen

                                                  Concept for the final plane by Mika Werner

                                                                              Crystals Concept

                                                              Global Shape concept for the boss

                                   Concept for exterior and interior of tentacles by Mika Werner

                                                                      VFX  concept for explosion

We invite you to try out the game.
Audio and text are available in English and French.
Click here to download the game!

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