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by MarineBsd on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

It's a dating application for individuals with Down syndrome, with a section on sexual education to break all taboos.

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Before presenting my project, I want to say that it is very close to my heart because I created this project primarily for my brother with Down syndrome, with the aim of making a difference in the world of disability.

So, what is Somà?

It is a dating application with a sexual education component for people with Down syndrome.

No more taboos and clichés, this application was created so that all people with Down syndrome can find love and be informed on various topics of sexuality, to finally live a fulfilling love life.

The application was created so that all types of people, whether they are independent or not, can navigate the application as much as possible on their own, in complete privacy.

Why Somà? It means "body" in ancient Greek, thus the extension of chromosomes.

Why ancient Greek?

Because there were Greek archaeologists who found a statue with Down syndrome characteristics dating back to 700 B.C.

The logo was designed so that the typography is rounded to recall the innocence of a person with Down syndrome, as well as the gentleness they bring.

The rounded typography evokes friendliness, warmth, and accessibility. The soft curves symbolize openness, kindness, and simplicity, which are key values of our inclusive platform.

The letters are connected, symbolizing the union and connection between individuals. This reflects our commitment to facilitating authentic and meaningful encounters, where each participant is seen, heard, and understood. In short, our logo embodies our vision of a space where love and mutual understanding thrive in a warm and inclusive atmosphere.

For the colors, they reflect the different values of a romantic relationship as well as the personality traits of people with Down syndrome. Off-white for purity, orange for ambition, pink for romance, and blue for loyalty and union.

In terms of typography, I chose to use sans-serif uppercase letters, because people with Down syndrome learn to write in uppercase letters and find it easier to read in uppercase, regardless of their level of autonomy.

For this project, I did my own photo shoot because it was important to me that my brother be part of the advertising campaign. The advertising campaigns will be displayed in specific places such as: specialized institutions for the disabled, medical centers, recreational places for people with disabilities, as well as in inclusive restaurants in the disability community. To download the application, flyers will be distributed in institutions and care homes by specialized educators. A QR code will be on the flyer to facilitate downloading for people with disabilities.

Now I will present the application, which consists of two distinct interfaces: the first, a matching interface for dating, and the second, a sexual education interface with various topics and guidance on sexuality.

Try the application yourself by clicking on the link below!


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