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The Mirror, FX

The Mirror, FX

Fatma Sahli
by FatmaSahli on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

For my final year projects in school, I recreated two complex VFX shots. I handled every aspect of these projects, from creating the environments and simulations to texturing, lighting/look development.

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                       The Mirror

I have created two shots inspired by Andrei Tarkovsky's film The Mirror. These projects were a personal challenge to recreate the practical effects seen in Tarkovsky's original footage, striving for authenticity and technical precision. Through meticulous study and experimentation, I aimed to capture the essence and visual integrity of the scenes, paying homage to Tarkovsky's masterful craftsmanship while developing my own skills in visual effects and cinematography.

First project: The Fire Scene.

The first render had many visual inaccuracies, but through refining my techniques, I achieved a much more accurate and polished final result.

Second project: The dream scene

Compositing process

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