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Elisa Cherdot - Concept Art - Illustration

Elisa Cherdot - Concept Art - Illustration

Elisa Cherdot
by elisacherdot on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Some of the work i have done this year at Pivaut School of Rennes.

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Hello Everyone !

Here is some of the work i have done for my last year as a Concept Art Student at Pivaut School of Rennes.

This is a mix of school work and personal work, as well as my graduation project,

Enjoy !

Character design

For this character Design assignment, we had to create a botanist and his drone. 

I created this Old Botanist using her drone to get up when she has to pick up plants, and store all kinds of tools to help her work despite her age.

Creature design 

For this project, we had to create a monster by mixing two creatures from the game Monster Hunter.

Mecha design 

An assignment  where we had to create a mecha from Horizon Zero Dawn choosing between a pangolin, an owl or an axolotl.


Here are two astronaut illustrations, one i did during my free time and another one i have done in class, for an assignment where we had to create a bookmark.

Graduation project

My graduation project is named Eremos. the concepts were done as if it was for a documentary presenting an extra terrestrial civilisation.


the evolution of life was a challenge on planet Eremos. Its surface is hot, desertic, and water resources are buried in the ground. Symbiosis allows the development of a troglodyte civilization, which relies on the characteristics of four species to find, share and use water resources.

Charcater design

Here are the four species, each one has uniques abilities that allows them to survive as a group.

the engeneers (ingĂ©nieur) : An intelligent species meant to build tools, objects and structures to improve group living. 

the cultivators (cultivateur) : Their role is to feed everyone, by cultivating and watering plant. 

The diggers (creuseur) : They can detect the presence of water in the ground and dig very deep to access it.

The plant : this gigantic species is planted where water is found underground, it grows very high and allows water to rise to the surface.  The excess water at its roots is evacuated at its higher extremities. 


These species live all together in a troglodyte city. Allowing them to stay cool and share common spaces.

Thank you for watching ! 

You can see more of my work on my Ultrabook Portfolio.

For any question or more informations, contact me at : [email protected]

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