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Bless's Concpept Art

Bless's Concpept Art

by BlessNoodles on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Concept art made throughout a blender course i took. Environment background, Character concept and Kitbash. Learning and using new methods of working such as photobashing and 3d

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Environment Concept Art

Encounter between scared lands

In this artwork I personally learnt how to set up scenes in blender and import models and the such to make a base to photobash and paintover on. Thinking about wanting to make the midst of a journey rather than reaching a destination.

Character Concept

Inari Okami

I made a character based off of the Japanese god Inari, due to them not really having a solid backstory i took a part of something i found which was their name meaning growing rice and really emphasized on it. Trying to focus on their immaturity and what it's like during the process of growing up. So you can see signs of that in their clothing choice and the failure of disguising themself as a human.


Medieval castle

For the kitbashing part i made a set inspired by medieval castles, trying to make things fit together. Using the method of a master texture as a base to make all the structures. I've also included an example of what i made with the set.

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