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Storey So Far

Storey So Far

by AkhilThambi on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

I present to you my works as an archviz student. After switching my decade long career as a software engineer, I have enjoyed whatever I have done so far . Hope you enjoy it as well

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House for Family and Bikes

This is the final project done for my architectural visualization course. Original house is situated in Estonia and is designed by AZIA Arhitektid. I selected this house for my final project due to both its unique layered structure which comprises of 5 levels  and the vegetation rich environment, which helped me put everything I learned into practice. 

Project requirement was to create interior and exterior images in both daytime and nighttime along with one shot of the exterior after-rain.


For exterior images I chose to capture the southeast and northeast views, as together it covered most of the exterior features of the house and environment .


For interior images I chose the simple living room and the organized kitchen + dining setup with enough artificial lighting to create the night scenes as well.

Exterior Night and After-Rain

Next was the exterior night and after-rain scenes. I felt the southeast view was a good choice given how we could see both interior and exterior lighting at night and how it beautifully lit the fog after rain.


Once the still images were done it was time for part two of the project i.e. creating the video and real time interactive model of the house in Unreal.


First a short video which covered different interior rooms and exterior views was created. With optimum camera movement speed, smooth transitions and a soothing music I wanted to give the audience a chance to understand and enjoy the architecture and environment

Real-time Model

Finally it was time to create the real-time interactive model of the house. Coming from a software engineering background I was eager to explore the unlimited possibilities of Unreal Engine. I wanted everything in my model to be bug free and interesting to the user.  I also tried to keep the instructions on screen to a minimum with anytime accessible help menu. 

I implemented many interactive elements ranging from simple door openings and switching lights to an interesting way of changing sofa model and material. There is also a pause menu with options to change time and weather, with which the lighting and environment sound changed automatically to give a seamless experience.

Full walkthrough can be seen below

Villa Trapa

This work was done as part of the interim project of my architectural visualization course. Original house is loacted at Andratx and designed by Joan Miquel SeguĂ­.

Project requirement was similar to main project with interior and exterior images in both daytime and nighttime


For the exterior a view from the side and a full view from the front of the house was chosen. While the resting area and the pool with beautiful night lighting was on focus in the former shot, the entirety of the house was the subject of the latter.


Living room and dining area was chosen for the interior shots with living room night shot as the only interior night scene.

Thank you for viewing my work and hope you enjoy it:)

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