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Kenza Morvan - Portfolio 2024

Kenza Morvan - Portfolio 2024

Kenza Morvan
by kenzamorvan on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi! I'm a final year student at New3dge concept art school and here's my portfolio. I do mostly environments. Please enjoy!

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Here is my final project at New3dge concept art.

I chose to adapt "The name of the wind", a book by Patrick Rothfuss. In this story we follow Kvothe - a young Edema Ruth trying to learn more about the Chandrians (the bad guys). His journey leads him to the University.


The University is a place of higher learning, specializing in many different fields of study. The Campus is comprised of fifteen different buildings which house the disciplines taught within. It is surrounded by a small town that caters to the needs of the students.


The Fishery is the name by which the Artificery is most often called. It is a vast workshop under the command of Master Kilvin, and is used for all matter of projects within the discipline of Artificing. It is said that most of the University’s tangible wonders came from the Artificery.


The Eolian is a well known and extremely popular tavern in Imre. It is best known for the esteemed group of musicians who play there in hopes of earning a highly coveted set of silver talent pipes, and the possibility of gaining a noble Patron.

In an ancient Greek village, are harmony and magic are sovereign, dark creatures descend upon the village to destroy all forms of life.
This project is one of three common worlds presented by New3dge this year. We worked closely with the Game Art department that produced the game, and the VFX department who produced the film based on all the visuals we created.

Alistar - The cold city

Isolated inside a mountain  formation, the city of Alistar stands proud and independant. Only a few brave sailors are allowed to travel beyond it to gather supplies and food. The resident learned to live in the cold, they built the town around the main castle.
The city is currently threaten by a gigantic owl. The king summoned his best knight to deal with the issue.

Vehicle project - The light K-Tcher

The Bolt company invented some specialized vehicles to catch lightning bolt and power the city. These vehicles are able to climb mountains vertically thanks to grappling hook on each side of them. The main cubicle rotates constantly to level perfectly the passengers even in a vertical position. 

Viktor's Bakery

This former finance advisor retired in an isolated island to open his own bakery. His main occupation is baking macarons. He became quickly famous and now locals fight over his creations. 

Gaebomon's Cottage

I present you the house of Gaebomon: a retired farmer living peacefully with his pets. He spends his days farming pumpkins and flowers to then sell them on the local market. 

Finally here are some more individual projects that enabled me to learn how to paint and tell a story through a picture. Their vibe is a bit more mysterious but I really wanted to keep strong color palettes. 


Because why not

Special Thanks

A big shoutout to everyone at New3dge, especially Aurélien Fournier, for guiding us through this amazing program and allowing me to be a part of it.

My sincere thanks go to all our teachers over the past two years. I truly appreciate each one of you for your feedback and guidance throughout our time in school.

Finally thank you to my friends and classmates. These two years sure were intense but seeing everyone's progress has been truly amazing!

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