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Jaimie Lundie 2024

Jaimie Lundie 2024

Jaimie Lundie
by JaimieAL on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A Collection of all projects I have contributed too in the last year

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Round of applause for our sponsors

A look at the characters of GaleBrreaker

A look at the Vehicles and Architecture of Galebreaker. Influenced by seaside towns in Spain and Italy.

A look at the enviroment and creatures of Galebreaker. I have put a lot of thought into incorporating old nautical style creatures, that often combine elements of ocean and land animals, as well as main thing a more realistic rpg apearance.

Character KeyFrame: Quincy and Kepa. This keyframe is mainly centered around Quincy, expressing her curiosity and adoration for the world around her. Kepa exists in the piece as a background character to balance the composition.

Early Visual Development for the short Film Cloudline. Character: Mother. A positive and Feminine presence in the film, designed to create a feeling of softness and safety even after her death

Environment Design for The Kitchen

Matte painting and picture frame texture for 3D assets 

Final Credit Illustrations. I wanted to end our film with a gentle illustrated style that held the viewers attention while still allowing the credits to stand out. The use of a lantern to draw the eye to spots where the credits would be added is how I decided to do this.

Miscellaneous Personal Projects

10 Day Exam Entry. Prompt from New3dge

Given the prompt of a silent monk and a mountain top monetary I wanted to create a simple and humble character contrasted by an awe inspiring enviroment.

The Owl King from the Book: The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstein.

The book is an incredible visual piece of literature, it’s easy to imagine the scenes and characters in your mind as you read. I wanted to capture that feeling of reading and imagining at the same time. I chose to do this by integrating the words of the book pages fading into the edges of the character. 

Character Redesign Challenge for Lord of The Rings.

I wanted to capture a more game like and illustrated feel to the characters. Bringing in more features that would identify the hobbits as fantasy creatures rather than the appearance they have in the film and books.

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