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[The Masterpiece] - VFX demo reel

[The Masterpiece] - VFX demo reel

Jeon Ahyeon
by ahyeon on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This is my first VFX reel. Please enjoy it

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The 19th century was a period when realistic painting flourished, but with the emergence of Impressionism and photography thereafter, the boundaries of art became blurred. In this era of confusion, artists set out to find their own paths.

Still Life


In fact, this still life is known as a Vanitas painting from 16th-century Netherlands. However, I chose it for its interesting portrayal of materials like fruit, metal, and flowers


When transitioning still life paintings into 3D, I had a specific goal in mind. While I was aware of using photogrammetry for creating fruits like these, my aim was to craft everything by hand.

Lighting & Composite

In the still life section, I aimed for a photographic yet painterly feel, so I used strong contrast lighting. During the pass composition process, I also added an ambient occlusion pass to enhance depth.

Photorealistic textures

I tried to express a more realistic texture by using the photo. Especially for oranges and roses, I used the photos I took as a source to create textures.



The references include gas lamps and art tools that could have been used in the 19th century, as well as references to the room itself.


Lighting & Composite

The lighting in the room scene was carefully designed to create a cinematic atmosphere, in contrast to the more painterly lighting of the still life scenes.

                                                           (day light / burning room)

Source shooting

I invited actors and filmed the source of the characters needed for the scene

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