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by divishakotawala on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Booth empowers campus clubs and residential communities by streamlining event management and providing a unified platform for students to discover and share events.

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Introducing Booth

University club and community events are vital for fostering connections among college students. However, outdated event calendars and scattered information often hinder students from discovering new clubs and forming community bonds.

Booth empowers campus clubs and residential communities by streamlining event management for hosts and providing students with a unified platform to discover and share campus events, enhancing connectivity and engagement across the university.

Identifying the Challenge of Campus Involvement

As part of the student leader community, we recognized the difficulties students face both in attending and hosting campus events.

Listening to the Community

To create a targeted and effective solution, we conducted interviews and surveys with 65 students and event hosts. This thorough research provided a deep understanding of their challenges and needs, guiding our design efforts.

Crafting an Interactive Campus Experience

Our goal was to develop a dynamic solution providing an immersive and streamlined experience for both event attendees and organizers. Integrating event discovery with seamless attendance tracking and community interaction, this app aims to serve as the cornerstone of campus life, enhancing the college experience for all.

Empowering Campus Engagement

Our platform caters to both student attendees, facilitating event discovery, and event hosts, offering promotion and audience expansion. Users seamlessly switch between roles for a cohesive experience, enriching campus life for all.

Features for Attendees

Favorite Clubs and Events

Think of Booth as a bulletin board to see anything and everything happening on your campus. Booth lets users customize their experience by selecting and following preferred clubs and event series. 

Weekly Digest

Booth’s weekly digest feature is designed to streamline the consumption of content and updates for users who follow various topics, clubs, events, or any area of interest online.

Features for Hosts

Streamlined Attendance Tracking

Booth's attendance tracking feature is created to replace traditional manual methods, making it easier to record, manage, and analyze participant attendance. Quickly view who attended, their majors, and reviews. 

Automated Event Check-in

Our Booth Scanner simplifies event attendance by enhancing efficiency, reducing queues, and elevating attendee experience.

Booth- Connecting Students to their Campus, Clubs, Community and each other. 

Booth is the premier event platform tailored exclusively for college campuses, providing a customizable, white-label solution that enriches both student and student club experiences.

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