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Jorge Molina´s Artwork for the Rookie Awards

Jorge Molina´s Artwork for the Rookie Awards

Jorge Molina Serrano
by ssobb on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This is my entry for the Rookie Awards 2024! Still a long way to go but enjoying the process :)

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Hello there!

I am Jorge Molina Serrano, a friendly spanish concept art student in Voxel School. Looking forward to enter in this industry with the right foot.

Hope you like my humble work! :)

Character designs

These are some character designs for school exercises. First one is a concept for a musical sorcerer and the second one is an american redneck NPC for a game about cryptid hunters.

Creature design

This is a sea dragon-like creature that I am working recently, I am happy with the result, but I need to make a cool render out of this to push its textures and shapes.

Some simple color variations to search some guide to find the palette to the concept.

Personal work

This is some of my work, it has some studies, fanarts and an original character. 


Skin color render and fast rendering in grayscale were the keypoints to work in these 3 images.

In the first one, I tried to choose two references with very different skin tones and lighting to put my brain to work!

The skulls were drawn in one layer with a brush that I am loving recently. It was very interesting to paint them in the right lighting with surprisingly ease :)


In both fanarts I experimented a process that I am trying to get better with, erasing the line and render without it!

The musketeer-royal guard-princely type of guy

This an original character that I did some months ago. It was fun experimenting with a simple background and a looser render with some new knowledge I have just learned.

Finally, some view of the process followed.

And... That´s all folks!

Hope you like it :)

And special thanks to my teachers Aarón Luna, Jose Ochoa and Álvaro Jiménez and my friends and family for all the help and feedback!

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