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Tejas Jamadhagni Student Reel 2024

Tejas Jamadhagni Student Reel 2024

Tejas Jamadhagni
by Arr0w on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

My initial projects, created as I ventured into the realm of 3D and VFX with SideFX Houdini during my studies at Campus VFX.

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A compilation of my endeavors thus far at Campus VFX.

The initial video presented is a project involving Rigid Body Dynamics (RBD), crafted using SideFX Houdini. I chose to meticulously recreate a renowned scene from the movie True Lies (1999), opting for its practicality and rich reference material for R&D, not to mention its captivating explosions. Through the utilization of Houdini's RBD Bullet, Particle, and Pyro systems, I successfully replicated the scene as faithfully as possible. As a novice without prior simulation experience, this undertaking proved to be a rewarding challenge, offering invaluable learning opportunities.

The subsequent video showcases a procedural endeavor, where I devised a tool to generate a race track based on curves. This project delved deep into comprehending Houdini's procedural capabilities, enhancing my knowledge of the software and granting me greater autonomy over its functionalities.

The concluding video presents an enjoyable R&D venture exploring Houdini's vellum system. This project provided a playful yet educational experience, allowing me to gain insight into the intricacies of the vellum system.

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