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The Rookies Contest - Portfolio 2024

The Rookies Contest - Portfolio 2024

Audrey Pantenius
by rey on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello there! This is a collection of concept art projects I've made during my apprenticepship at Universal Arts School, from last year until now. My main focus is character design, but I've dabbled into other designs, as world-building is also my goal. I hope you enjoy!

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During this year, the initial goal was to bring my own concepts to a pre-existing game. As I've always been fascinated by the concept designs of Overwatch, I wanted to challenge myself and give this a go! My thought here was to create new in-game designs that could be implemented into the Overwatch lore. I based most of my works around the area of "Junkertown", but also designed afterwards a few other concepts that are based on the game overall.

Character Design - Costume Variations

Lungkata is a Junkertown member who joins later-on the Overwatch team. Her design is inspired by the Australian tale of the blue tongue lizard, as she is herself partly of Anangu origin.

Lungkata Design Research Process

Environment Design

Taking inspiration from the environments of Overwatch, I designed one that may be incorporated into the game. I imagined an abandoned Omnium & research facility that is located in the Australian Blue Mountains.

Abandoned Omnium - Design Process

Vehicle Design

This design process has been quite challenging, yet so interesting, as I learned a lot about the functioning of diverse mechanical elements. As the setting is the Australian desert, a desert buggy came to mind.

Vehicle - Design Process

The initial design had a fan-like, foldable solar panel, before I decided to scrap that and take inspiration from wood lice instead.

Prop / Building Design

As the player can enter buildings and interact with the environment, I designed a prop that would be added to the Junkertown area. Here, you'll see the exterior and interior design of said building.

Prop Design Process

Hero & Villain Design

As there are so many memorable characters in this game, I really made the effort to challenge my character designing skills and take the time to ask myself important questions about the process of creating a character that plays a major role in the story. I focused my attention on their origins, their motivations, and their personalities transpiring through their physical appearance.

Hero & Villain - Research Process

Creature Design

The creature was another challenge that I gladly accepted! It is believable to imagine the lawless group Talon having lab rats designed to wreak havoc in the areas they're targeting.

Creature - Design Process

This is an original project I've worked on during the past year. It is a Dark Fantasy story taking inspiration from Mesopotamian Mythology and the game Bloodborne.

"After the apparition of the Great Cataclysm, drought and extreme heat befalls the world and makes all natural resources scarce. Driven mad and ravenous by the harsh living conditions, the different tribes wage countless wars against eachother throughout the centuries.

....Until one day, one tribe in particular called the ANU seeks refuge in the underground world beneath the barren mountains of MARDUK. There, they learn to live with the underground creatures called the ENKI who give them a new home and natural recourses.

The ANU adapt to their newfound life, but centuries later, the enemy tribes from above discover their hideout and try to invade their territory. Will the ANU manage to defend their new home and its native creatures?"

Main Character Design

Rin Design Process

Splash Art

Splash Art Process

Rin In-Game Actions

Rin Expressions

Secondary Character

Marduk - Environment Design

Creature Design

The Enki are the native creatures of the underground world. Since the air is filled with radioactive gaz, the Enki absorb and condense it inside their body. Trhough hydrothermal transformation, the gaz is then crystallized into gems on their carapace.

The ANU people harvest the gems from those creatures, making ceremonial jewels and weapons out of them. In turn, the ANU protect the Enki from the Kingu parasites and other dangers.

"The Chase" - Production Shot

This is another small project I've designed at UA School. The goal was to design a production shot around an original concept. I invented a story about a game of cat-and-mouse involving a detective who chases down an infamous criminal. For the setting, I took inspiration from the movie Metropolis and the Bioshock game.

Designing Process

Thank you so much for taking the time to view my works! I'm also really thankful for the advice of my mentors. Thanks to their guidance I made a huge progress in my creative & drawing skills.

If you want to see my matte painting works, you can check-out my Artstation for more!

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