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ASTROPHOBIA | 2D Animation

ASTROPHOBIA | 2D Animation

by dylanbaddeley on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

ASTROPHOBIA calls to question the grand scale of the universe and our relation to it. Should we regress in fear of whatever could be out there in the stars? Or do we carry on living our lives in the face of this fear?

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ASTROPHOBIA calls to question the grand scale of the universe and our relation to it. Should we regress in fear of whatever could be out there in the stars? Or do we carry on living our lives in the face of this fear? The goal of this short film was to test my ability in compositing, cleanup animation, and creating a finished looking product.

I tried to link these two character designs through a shared color scheme and shape language, making sure the characters were simple enough to animate smoothly.

Early concepts and prop designs

A color script was made early on. I wanted to play with the phenomena of how a star changes color the older it gets, becoming more and more red the closer it is to turning supernova. I then used this color narrative to set the mood for each scene.

Some storyboards which were eventually reused into an animatic.

Environments were made up of layers of files, which were then composited in After Effects to allow for a parallax effect.

Various frames taken throughout the film in chronological order.

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