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'Tales of Vendravan' Concept Art & Illustration Project - Ana Kravcio

'Tales of Vendravan' Concept Art & Illustration Project - Ana Kravcio

Ana Kravcio
by akravcio on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello! I’m Ana, a student in a Concept Art master's degree at Universal Arts School. Here are some projects I did during my second year at UAS, hope you’ll like them!

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Hi! Welcome!

This is my entry for the Rookie Awards 2024 contest.
Here you will see a selection of artworks I made during my second year at Universal Arts School; where I’m still learning everything about world building and character design.

It was a challenge, but a fun one. So… let’s get to it! Enjoy!

Tales of Vendravan

This project is the one I have been working on throughout my second year at Universal Arts School, with the mentoring of Professor Jorge Momparler. This would be something like the graduation project!
It is intended to be a story within a video game like League of Legends, Riot. It has a classic theme of medieval knights, with big settings and fantasy characters.


I'll start by saying that for this part, I was very inspired by the League of Legends characters, the champions. They are striking and unique... exactly what I want to achieve! 

For the main characters, the knights, I wanted to evoke that vibe of the typical medieval knight; elegance, strength, flamboyant.

We were also tasked to do secondary characters. I chose to do an enemy, someone the knights will battle now and then. For this character, I wanted to make this mysterious being that was corrupted by dark magic; very different from the knights. For this character we also had to do some variations or 'skins'; they are also inspired by some themes LoL has used in the past.

The Kingdom of Vendravan

Here are some thumbnails for the visual development. I really wanted to have this large and elegant structures that gave that vibe of a very prosperous and illuminated kingdom.

Props & Keyshots

A very important part of this project are the trees. What makes Vendravan distinctive from other kingdoms are the magical trees that protect it from dark magic.

For the keyshots, we had to show the interior of somewhere in our project. So continuing with the prop, I decided to take a look at what would be inside the of temple where the Sacred Tree is.

Splash Page

For the final task, we had to do a splash page; we could approach this the way we wanted.
I have always admired the beauty of LoL's splash arts; epic and magical artworks showcasing amazing characters. So I thought, 'let’s try to do something like that!' 
After a few tries, here are the top 3 thumbnails that made it through. 

In addition to the help of the professor Jorge Momparler, I also followed step by step the videos of some artists who have made splash arts for LOL; especially Deiv Calviz's videos.

Here's the process and the final look of the splash page!

Thank you!

Well... that’s it for now! It has been a wild ride and I have learned so much during my formation. I’m really happy for how everything turned out, of course there’s always room for improvement. Very thankfull for all the help and guidance from everyone involved in this project; especially to our professor at UAS, thanks a lot <3.
For more content and work done by 'your humble servant' (that's me) just click here Artstation.

Thank you all for your time!

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