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Sydney Stewart’s Artworks

Sydney Stewart’s Artworks

Sydney Stewart
by sydstewart on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

These works are from my portfolio based off of stories that I have put a lot of time and reach into, and I had a lot of fun creating them! It consists of character and costume designs that I had the most fun creating in my entire portfolio.

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These are a few personal projects and stories that I created for my portfolio and have been working on for a while…

The first 3 drawings are based on a Kenyan folktale called, “The Princess Who Lost Her Hair”, which- in short, is very similar to the story of “Rapunzel”.  However, the main character, “Princess Makena” has the power to bring prosperity and life to her people and their land, but when she claims her power was taken from her by an evil and jealous spirit, she goes on a journey to discover a lesson in which her powers have been inside of her the entire time and can never be taken away from her.

The next few drawings represent a story I’m creating that’s based on one of the deities of the Indian Goddess “Kali”.  The deity character I created is named, “Jaya”, and she was sent to a village in India to find a “fallen” or “missing” deity to bring her back to where she belongs, and she receives some help from a girl named “Roshni” to help her navigate the human world in order to help find the missing deity. 

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