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Journey and Discovery

Journey and Discovery

by suryaniongko on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Every individual embarks on their own creative journey, and I am thrilled to present mine. While there is still a long way to go, I approach this path with unwavering optimism. As the Chinese proverb states, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

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I first discovered my passion for design two years ago when I came under the tutelage of an inspiring mentor who revealed the intricate complexities of the interior design process. Under his guidance, I learned that design goes far beyond drawing; it requires meticulous planning for each space before outlining the floorplan and rendering it into a finished piece.

As a first-year student of interior architecture, I completed two significant projects last year. The first project is a residential design that incorporates Cambodian cultural elements into living spaces. The second project is an office design that seamlessly integrates technology to enhance productivity.

These projects represent the commencement of my journey in the field of design. Looking ahead, I am dedicated to continuous growth and learning in this profession.

Essence of Origin

In my more recent projects, I am more inclined towards developing more traditional concepts. As such, this residential project is designed for artists who have a deep passion for the discipline of art.

In today's bustling world, filled with constant noise and activity, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Therefore, I aimed to incorporate the philosophy of connection, providing individuals with a space to reconnect with their identities. This approach encourages personal growth and self-acceptance while highlighting the vital role of culture in our lives.

As people grow older, they may develop different facades, but ultimately, it is the culmination of these facades that defines their identity. From the inception of the design, the idea is to use warm, earthy tones combined with concrete elements to convey a down-to-earth and culturally rich atmosphere.

The design process is shown from choosing materials to the spatial planning which could be seen from the sectional elevations. 

These processes are then compiled together, forming a more detailed 3D design. The following renders are made using Sketchup and rendered using D5 render. 

Vinculum Conflux

This project involves designing an office space for an advertising company, merging the art of advertising with the latest advanced technology. The integration of these elements aims to create a dynamic and innovative workspace that fosters creativity and enhances productivity.

Design result:

I am enthusiastic and dedicated to further improvement in this endeavor. In the near future, I aspire to become an innovative designer capable of bringing my visions to life. There is a thrilling sensation in transforming ideas into reality, especially in creating spaces that not only meet everyone's needs and desires but also enhance their lifestyles for greater happiness and mental well-being.

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