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Concept Art Projects by Vanessa Olivia

Concept Art Projects by Vanessa Olivia

Vanessa Olivia
by volivia on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Here are a compilation of works I made throughout my final year in college. Aside from all the assignments, I was able to create my own personal project - 13 Zodiacs, which is heavily inspired by the Chinese Mythology.

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13 Zodiacs

Here are the concept designs for my personal project '13 Zodiacs'. It mainly focused on the main character, Ying Yue and one of the Zodiac Warriors - Mu Chen. I also designed one of the creatures of 'The Four Perils' - Tao Tie.

Synopsis of the story:

In a world where people seek protection from deities, 12 ‘Zodiac Warriors’ are chosen every few decades to fight against ‘The Four Perils’. When Ying Yue came of age, a prophecy states that another Great Chaos would befall them once again. This time, 13 warriors were chosen. One of them would either help them or bring them further destruction. Will the world fall or will it be saved?

Soul Food

A project I did for my Basic Concept Design assignment called Soul Food. It is about Melia, who is a timid and clumsy demigod and daughter of the Greek God of Death, Thanatos. Wanting to follow her father's footsteps, she began to train as a Grim Reaper and guide wandering souls to the underworld. With her two-headed monster companion, Orthrus and her Moving Restaurant, she cooked these lost souls their "last meals", before sending them to the afterlife.

Soulmates (Concept Design)

A group assignment I took part in for my Concept Design class. We were assigned to create our own story together and each of us were tasked to create a character, creature, prop, machine/vehicle and an environment that were related to that story. Here are some designs I made to fit the story.

Story Synopsis:

At 18 years old, people are assigned to their fated soulmates and given matching armbands. Bobby did not agree with the system and did not want to obey it at first because he has a lover, Acrona. However, when he realized his soulmate is his long-lost childhood friend, Stalline, he started to catch feelings for her. As he spends more time with Stalline, he started to suspect that something is not right.

Soulmates (Key Arts)

I also did some key arts that are related to the story of 'Soulmates' for my Digital Illustration Class.


After Bobby had been caught by the leader, an Alt3r was then summoned. In this scene, Bobby was being held by the Alt3r. It is planning to insert its tendrils into Bobby’s head and take his memories, in order to take his place.


After Stalline's fatal fall, Bobby was in a state of shock and disbelief upon discovering her lifeless body. He was overcome with fear and panic, unsure of what he should do next. Furthermore, Bobby was burdened with feelings of guilt, as he believed that his actions had played a part in her death.

Hidden Side

A poster I made for the story, with a concept that shows the governor’s true identity and also portrays him as the real antagonist of the story. It is also to show that behind that mask lies an alien plotting on world domination, which is symbolized by the alien reflection in the mirror. A higher angle is used as the composition to show the unsettling look of the governor as he looked towards the audience with a sinister smirk.

Digital Matte Painting

One of my class's assignments, where I learnt to implement the techniques of Photobashing and 3D modelling to create environment concept art.

Lost in Sand

A huge sandstorm befell upon the cities of Indonesia, leaving it buried and desolated. In addition, the increase in temperature caused by the scorching sun had eliminated most of the living organisms. Now, it’s up to the survivors to survive in this apocalyptic world, as they find resources to keep them alive.

Steam Train Station

Above the waters of Venice, stood a city powered by steam engines. A train station was built in the heart of the city, transporting people from different cities faraway to visit the infamous city above the waters.

The Path to Nirvana

Deep underground lies the ruins of a Buddhist Temple. Individuals, who are in search of Enlightenment - the most precious treasure known to humankind, would be guided by a spiritual force into this area. They would receive the blessings and wisdom from the Holy being that resides there.

Temple of Enlightenment

Located above the waters of Thailand, a holy Buddhist temple was magically built. It was known by people that only the purest of all could enter this temple and receive all the knowledge of the world inside.

Thank you!

For sticking around until the end!

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