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Antoine Decamps - Concept Art 2024

Antoine Decamps - Concept Art 2024

Antoine Decamps
by adecamps on 31 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Bonjour! My name is Antoine, and I am a French concept artist graduating this year from New3dge Concept Art. I am excited to share with you the work I have produced during my time at this school. I hope you enjoy!

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For my final project at New3dge Concept Art, I wanted to blend my passion for science fiction with elements of fantasy and a slightly grim-dark aesthetic.

In this world, the Vatican constructed a massive spacecraft to escape an Earth consumed by extreme hedonism and religious decadence, hoping to find a new planet to live on.

To endure the long interstellar voyage, the worshippers who boarded the ship are required to lock themselves within contraptions and pray to receive sustenance and survive for several years.

We follow the lives of the ship's engineers, who need to maintain the whole infrastructure and deal with the demands of the high priesthood.

Main Feeding Room

The place where the worshippers pray for years and get their sustenance during the travel. The machine in the back provides them with nutrients, and they're overseen by members of the priesthood.

Hub/Connecting Room

The place that connects to the different parts of the spaceship. This is where the worshippers enter the feeding room at the beginning of their journey.

During travel the engineers maintain the machines and containers that help power up the feeding room. 

Engineers' Workshop

The room where the engineers of the ship make the repairs on the feeding contraptions and the various machines they maintain.

It is equipped with a 3D Printing machine that can repair parts or create entirely new ones from scratch.

Huge thanks to Daniel McGarry for his guidance and feedbacks during this project, I learned a ton from him!

LUNAR  was a collaborative group project with the Game Art and VFX divisions at New3dge.

I was responsible for the design of the lunar base's exterior seen in the game and film, the main character's room, and some keyframes.

Exterior Base Design

The base exterior was a really fun task since I love space and designing big environments. The main challenge was to make it believable and grounded while having an immense scale.

Main Character Room Design

This is the room where the player begins his journey and starts exploring the lunar base. The main challenge was to make a room with a lot of utilitarian functionality while still being pleasant to live in.


Some keyframes done towards the end of the group project. The first one is to be used as a login screen for the Game Art team. 

The second one was done to help the VFX team visualize what their final shot could look like.


We were tasked to do a storyboard at the beginning of the project to help the VFX team in the realisation of their short film.

Here are 3 sequences of frames I did for this storyboard.

Thank you to Arnaud Valette and Aurélien Fournier for being respectively our Art Director and Creative Director on this project.

Concept Art Team:

Antoine Decamps - Harold Malespine - Maël Martin - Aubry Mis

Michael Keaton - Julie Martinez

3D Rocket Printing Facility

I wanted to do a facility inspired by the company RelativitySpace where they 3d-print actual rockets. So I went for a facility with huge platforms that would move up as the rockets are being built in the center by robotic arms.

Brutalist Kitchen Module

I was tasked to design a section of an interior, mixing elements of sci-fi and brutalism. I chose to go for a kitchen module, that could be assembled along with other modules to create apartments or communal spaces.

Military Spy Plane

I wanted to try using a CAD software to design a vehicle so I learned a bit of Plasticity.

This project was also for me a way for me to make a tribute to the Arsenal Bird from Ace Combat 7. Since I really love that game and the amazing experimental aircraft designs they have.

Big Dam

A tribe of Vikings that were exiled from their peers found refuge on top of an old abandoned dam, and decided to settle there and build over the ruins.

Indoor Harbour Market

The task was to design a grand interior. So I wanted to go for something in the vein of Bazaar markets and Cothon harbours, with a little fantasy twist to it.

Star Wars Sequential Keyframes

These keyframes were done entirely in Unreal Engine.

I first did a day scene to get a feel for the place and the set I aimed to design, and then I wanted to tell a short (and grim) story during the night.

Mantis Operating Table

The brief for this project required an operating table with moving parts. I took the praying mantis as an inspiration for the overall shape and the way it operates.

After the design was done I did a little animation showcasing how this operating table would work if a player had to use it inside a video game.  

Freedom Freighters

We had to design a spacecraft that has been taken over by rebel pirates.

So I decided to go for an Amazon Space Carrier that pirates would steal and repurpose to fight for their ideals and cause mischief.

Mining Base

I was tasked to design a sci-fi base, so I went for an industrial complex built around an active crater.

Its primary function is mining and resource extraction from the crater itself, and it's surrounded with habitations and amenities for the crew working there.


As I wrap things up for this year, I want to give a shout out to my teachers and classmates. I couldn't have done it without their guidance and support.

And of course, a big thanks to you for checking out my work. I hope you found some things that inspired you!

You can see more of my work and contact me at the following:

Email: [email protected]

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