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Emanuele Pardini
by Cyborg3000 on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

"Smashers" is a fighting game where the objective is to battle demons that have escaped from Pandora's box. The core of the project is the code, which I have developed to encompass a variety of intricate systems that ensure a smooth and immersive gaming experience. The code is the backbone of "Smashers".

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This is the project I developed specifically for The Rookies Awards 2024. I chose to develop a fighting game to push my limits in programming.

The Smashers code implements a comprehensive and complex set of systems designed to create an engaging fighting game experience. Here's an in-depth look at each subsystem, with corrections and expansions where necessary:

Character Roster and Selection Subsystem

Description: This subsystem manages the list of available characters in the game. It includes functionalities for adding new characters, displaying the roster to players, and allowing players to select their desired character.

Key Features: Character profiles, selection screen, character attributes and abilities, unlockable characters.

Map Roster and Selection Subsystem

Description: This subsystem handles the list of playable maps or stages. Players can choose from a variety of environments where the fights take place.

Key Features: Map previews, selection screen, environmental effects, interactive elements within maps.

Gamemode Roster and Selection Subsystem

Description: This subsystem provides different game modes that players can choose from, such as single-player, multiplayer, time attack, or survival modes.

Key Features: Mode descriptions, selection interface, customizable rules and settings for each mode.

Fighting System

Description: This is the core of the game, governing how characters fight, including movement, attacks, combos, and special moves.

Key Features: Combat mechanics, physics engine, hit detection, combo system, character animations.

Local Multiplayer

Description: This system enables multiple players to play together on the same device, providing the functionality for competitive or cooperative gameplay.

Key Features: Controller support, split-screen or shared screen options, player input management.

Session Management

Description: This system manages game sessions, including starting, pausing, and ending games, as well as tracking the session state.

Key Features: Session initialization, state persistence, pause/resume functionality, session termination.

Save Data Subsystem

Description: This subsystem handles the saving and loading of game data, ensuring that player progress, settings, and other important data are retained between sessions.

Key Features: Save file management, data serialization and deserialization, auto-save functionality, cloud save support (if applicable).

Menu System

Description: This system provides the navigational interface for the game, including main menus, options menus, and in-game menus.

Key Features: Menu navigation, options and settings, visual and audio feedback, accessibility options.

HUD (Heads-Up Display)

Description: This system displays important information to the player during gameplay, such as health bars, scores, timers, and special move meters.

Key Features: Dynamic UI elements, customizable layouts, real-time updates, visual indicators for status effects.

Health System

Description: This system manages the health and damage mechanics for characters, determining how much damage characters can take before being defeated.

Key Features: Health bars, damage calculation, knockback mechanics, healing and buffs.

HitBox System

Description: This system manages the hitboxes and hurtboxes for characters, which are crucial for detecting hits and calculating damage.

Key Features: Accurate collision detection, dynamic adjustment of hitboxes, multi-hitbox support, hitbox visualization tools.

AI Controlled Fighter

Description: This system provides artificial intelligence for non-player characters (NPCs), allowing them to fight in a manner that mimics human players.

Key Features: AI behavior algorithms, difficulty settings, adaptive strategies, learning algorithms (if applicable).

Interaction System

Description: This system manages the interactions between characters and the environment, including object pickups, environmental hazards, and special events triggered by player actions.

Key Features: Interactive objects, environmental triggers, player-environment interactions, dynamic event handling.

By integrating these systems, "Smashers" code creates a robust and immersive fighting game that offers varied gameplay experiences, from solo play against AI opponents to local multiplayer battles. Each subsystem plays a critical role in ensuring the game is functional, enjoyable, and engaging for players.

Link to the repo:


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