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All We Have Left - Climax & Rejection Shots

All We Have Left - Climax & Rejection Shots

by Appariteru on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A film project created by 90GB Production during our final year.

9 173 3
Round of applause for our sponsors

The above two videos are part of the scenes from the film - All We Have Left, made by 90GB Production. These shots are animated by me. 

First animation video is a couple of shots from a climax scene in the film, it is about the daughter enjoying her surroundings as she jumps around and chases the butterfly. The second animation is multiple of shots from a rejection scene, about the daughter refuses the father's gift and accidentally causes an issue. 

Camera shots, VFX, lighting and compositing and others are mainly done by other members in 90GB Production, with me also gave my assistance to them.

Below are screenshots of the progress I did for weeks or a few months during production phase when animating.

Software used for these animation - Autodesk Maya

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