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Kritphol Thongliang's Entry

Kritphol Thongliang's Entry

by Kritphol on 30 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello, my name is Kritphol Thongkliang and I'm a concept artist currently studying at CDW Studios/Flinders University. I like designing characters and figuring out how the design works. This submission has been really fun to work on and I hope those who look through my project enjoy it as well!

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This is the most recent project that I've worked on. Valedonum is a collection of concept art I've done for the first term in my second year. The project's brief is based around creating a world and finalizing 3 characters for a side-scrolling game. I've learned a lot from balancing time between each aspect of the project as well as how to make a compelling design that delivers the story through visual communication and shape design.

Character design

Applicant 325: Kenneth Katafield

Kenneth Katafield, or Ken for short, is an already established voyager within R.M.A.R.A. so the opportunity to be transferred to work at Nushton is guaranteed for him. Although he is a generally well-liked person within the agency, people tend to avoid him when going on expeditions as he has a rather impulsive personality when it comes to exploring the unknown. His drive to pursue and uncover the secrets of the misty landscape of the Thunder Sea is what pushed him forward as well as isolated him from other people. 

Applicant 172: Sally Leveresh

Sally is the definition of average, when you think of an average person you think of her. There is nothing special about her whether it’s her personality or her power, she’s just the average girl you meet on the street who is slightly more of a failure compared to others in her field. As a voyager, her equipment is hand-me-down from her mother when she used to work for R.M.A.R.A so it doesn’t even fit her properly. Even though she is a timid person, deep down she is determined to explore the Thunder Sea and uncover the secrets that lie below on the Earth's surface.

Applicant 23: Evelie Meravel

In simple terms, she is an irritating person, if not for her talented background, most people wouldn’t be willing to work with her. Growing up Eve has been praised all her life for being special, not only is she proficient in utilizing Lethius and controlling her equipment but also the fact that she is a voyager at the age of 21 caused quite a ruckus within the community as others people within the field started when they are around 23 years old. Although she is headstrong and irritating on the outside, deep down she is an insecure person who is afraid of other people finding out that she is not what she is said to be so her personality is essentially a protective shield/mask to show other people that she’s worth it


Along with the characters, I have also designed a couple of stages and areas where the game could theoretically take place in


The exterior area of the Northern front. This area would be used for interacting with NPCs and other cast of the game during the downtime between each expedition


The interior of Nushtion station. This area would mostly be used as a background loading screen when deploying our characters on expeditions as well as storytelling elements as the state of the research center would get worse or better depending on how far the player is into the campaign


After finishing the character design and the level selection, I put everything together on the selection screen to visualize how it would work  in the game


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